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Dataset Access Guide: Primeinfobase


( These datasets are licensed for use by the IIMB Community only. )

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1) PRIMEINFOBASE: AGM/EGM & Postal Ballot Resolutions

It covers information company-wise and resolution-wise details of resolutions passed or proposed to be passed in AGM/EGMs, through postal ballots, and in Court Convened Meetings (CCMs) along with the voting result of each such resolution, for all companies. This database is updated daily. 

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are: 

  • Resolutions passed or proposed to be given in AGM/EGMs, through postal ballots or in CCMs have been standardized, and a master list of such resolutions has been created to make the database searchable 
  • Full verbatim text of all resolutions as filed by the company (typically inaccessible or irretrievable as it exists only in PDF formats, image files, etc.), as also the details as filed by the company as an attachment
  • Voting details, resolution-wise, including details of how the Promoters, Institutional Shareholders, and Other Public Shareholders voted 
  • The information available in multiple notifications and outcomes filed by companies on numerous dates for the same AGM/EGM, postal ballot, or CCM has been brought together in one place
  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, and Index-wise searches are also available along with searches by Event Type (AGM/EGM/Postal Ballot/CCM), Resolution and Period Details of Resolutions Voted against by shareholders Details of Voting by Mutual Funds (since April 2014)

Coverage: 1st April 2013 onwards 


It covers information on auditors of all companies and appointments/ cessations, updated daily. It includes a detailed break-up of Audit Fees, Fees for other services and Reimbursements, etc. 

 Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Auditor-wise Search and each Auditors past and current assignments available on a single click basis (made possible due to extensive name cleaning)
  • League Tables (Rankings) of Auditors by Total Fees (Standalone or Consolidated) and by Number of Assignments handled in a financial year
  • Year-on-Year Auditor Changes in Companies 
  • Forthcoming Expiry of Auditor Tenures
  • Companies in which maximum cessations of Auditors have taken place and Auditors with maximum cessations from companies
  • League Tables (Rankings) of companies based on remuneration paid to Auditors (By Total Fees, By Audit Fee as % of Total Income Audited and By Audit Fee as % of Net Profit)
  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, Index-wise, and Financial Year-wise searches are also available.

Coverage: 1st April 2009 onwards

3) PRIMEINFOBASE: Board Meeting Resolution

This database includes the details of resolutions/purposes discussed and approved in Board Meetings for all companies. It is updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Purpose/Resolutions passed or proposed to be given in Board Meetings have been standardized, and a master list of such resolutions has been created to make the database searchable.
  • The information available in multiple agendas and outcomes filed by companies on numerous dates for the same Board Meeting has been brought together in one place, including the details as filed by the company as an attachment.
  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, and Index-wise searches are available along with investigations by Board Meeting Period, Purpose, and Broadcast Period.

Coverage: 1st April 2013 onwards

4) PRIMEINFOBASE: Corporate Actions

Corporate action database covers all corporate actions in companies since 1st April 2009. Available parameters are Company, Subject, Ex-Date, Record Date, and BC Start Date. This database is updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Company-wise, industry-wise, or index-wise dividend payout ratios and dividend yields over the last seven years
  • Chart all corporate actions of a company over its price curve
  • Companies are paying more than 100% dividend, companies with the highest dividend payout ratio, companies that have been paying dividends consistently every year since 2009-10, companies that have paid dividends at least twice in a financial year, and dividends paid by PSUs by MNCs.

Coverage: 1st April 2009 onwards

5) PRIMEINFOBASE: Corporate Event Calendar

This database provides a comprehensive event calendar covering all past and forthcoming AGMs/EGMs, Board Meetings, Bondholders Meetings, Corporate Actions, Court Convened Meetings, Investor/analyst meetings, and postal ballots detailed agenda, under one roof, for all companies. It is updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Investor/Analyst-wise search (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/unique exercise) is available to view which investor/analyst is meeting/has met which company (applicable for Investor/Analyst Meets). Call transcripts /presentations are also available. In addition, resolutions/Purposes/Subjects relating to AGMs/EGMs, Board Meetings, Corporate Actions, Court Convened Meetings, and Postal Ballots have been standardized. A master list of these has been created to make the database searchable.
  • The information available in multiple notifications filed by companies for the same AGM/EGM/Postal Ballot/CCM/Board Meeting on multiple dates has been brought together at one place, including the details as filed by the company as an attachment.
  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, and Index-wise searches are also available along with searches by Period, Purpose/Resolution/Subject, and Event Type. 

Coverage: 1st April 2013 onwards

6) PRIMEINFOBASE: Corporate Social Responsibility

It covers complete details of Corporate Social Responsibility spending for all companies. 

 Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, and Index-wise searches available along with investigations by Financial Year, Average Net Profit of last three Financial Years, prescribed CSR Expenditure, sector in which the CSR activity is covered and state in which the Expenditure is done.
  • CSR Board Committee details have been provided.
  • CSR Report extracted from the Annual Report has been provided.
  • Reasons for unspent amounts have been provided.

Coverage: 1st April 2014 onwards

7) PRIMEINFOBASE: Financial Results Database

This database covers all quarterly and annual financial results     

Coverage: 1st April 2009 onwards

8) PRIMEINFOBASE: Indian Boards

This database provides single-point access to information on the boards of companies listed at NSE. It includes a profile with age, gender, nationality, educational qualifications, experience, position on the board, independent/non-independent status, date of appointment, committee memberships, remuneration, cessations, other directorships of each director (in listed & unlisted companies). It is updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • League Tables (Rankings) of remuneration of directors-whole time and independent.
  • Companies that are non-compliant in terms of the number of independent directors.
  • Companies with women directors on their boards, companies without any women directors, women directors on the boards of NSE-listed companies, and Directorships of women in listed companies.
  • Individuals holding 5 or more than 5 directorships in listed companies, independent directors are holding more than 7 independent directorship positions in NSE-listed companies.
  • A number of years in the same company as an independent director  Compilation of lists of independent directors of peer group companies, along with their respective remuneration.
  • Snapshot Reports for All Directors All Companies, Only Independent Directors All Companies, All Directors CNX NIFTY Companies, etc., to give a bird's eye view in terms of composition, tenure, age, education, etc.
  • Other reports such as Companies with Foreign Nationals on their board, Companies with Members of Civil Services on their board, Age Summary of Directors on Boards, Education Level of Directors on Boards, and Institutions having nominees on boards.
  • Details of Board Meetings held and Board Meetings attended by Directors (2014-15 onwards).
  • Resource Centre contains news articles from around the world relating to Corporate Governance, Women Directors, Independent Directors, Remuneration of Directors, etc.

Coverage: 1st January 2006 onwards


Insider database provides details and analysis of shareholder-wise and company-wise insider trades. It is updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, and Index-wise searches available along with searches by Insider Name (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/unique exercise), Insider Name ‘Contains,’ Insider Type (Promoter/Director/Officer), Transaction Date and Transaction Type (allotment/acquisition/sale).
  • Current holdings of all Insiders of all companies
  • Top Insider Trades over a defined period by Value
  • Opening & Closing Balance report for all insiders of all companies 
  • Filings submitted by RTAs (under SEBI’s system-driven disclosures) also covered
  • Extensive validation and de-duplication of transactions. (Original document, as filed to stock exchange also available.).

Coverage: 1st April 2013 onwards    

10) PRIMEINFOBASE: Investor Meets Database

It covers all past and forthcoming Investor/Analyst Meets, which are updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

•     Investor/Analyst-wise search (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/unique exercise) is available to view which investor/analyst is meeting/has met which company

•     Call transcripts /presentations

•     Name & Designation of company representatives, contact details of investors/analysts, organizer details, type of meeting, place of meeting, and con-call numbers 

•     Company-wise, Investor-wise, Analyst-wise, and Industry-wise reports on Most Investor/Analyst Meets

•     Company-wise, Industry-wise, Index-wise, Group-wise, and Market cap-wise searches are also available along with searches by Meeting Type (Conference call, One-on-one meeting, etc.), Period, and Purpose/Resolution/Subject.

Coverage: 1st January 2016 onwards

11) PRIMEINFOBASE: Key Managerial Personnel Database

This database covers information on Key Managerial Personnel (CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Company Secretary, Compliance Officer, etc.) for all companies, along with appointments and cessations, which is updated daily. You can search by company name, key managerial personnel name (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/unique exercise), period, and by appointments/cessations.

Coverage: 1st October 2012 onwards


Pledgors provides details and analysis of promoter-wise and company-wise pledged shareholdings, updated daily with all creation/release/invocation (of pledge shares) transactions.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

Company-wise (including as on date lender-wise break up of pledged shares of each promoter of the company), Industry wise and Index-wise searches available along with searches by Promoter Name (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/unique exercise), Promoter Name ‘Contains,’ Promoter Group (to find pledged shares status of all promoters of a particular company, across all companies), Transaction Date, Transaction Type (creation/release/invocation), Reason for Creating Pledge as also Person/Entity in whose favor pledge created.

  • As of date pledging, all companies and promoters in one view also change over a defined period.
  • League Tables (Rankings) of ‘Pledgees’ (or ‘Entities in whose favor pledge has been created)- by the value of pledge creation transactions and current outstanding.
  • Lender-wise, company-wise pledged share status.
  • Opening & Closing Balance report for promoters of all companies.
  • Industry-wise pledge share status summary.
  • Pledge Transactions of a particular company charted on the price curve.
  • The market price movement of companies with pledged shares.
  • Filings submitted by RTAs (under SEBI’s system-driven disclosures) are also covered.
  • Non-promoter pledged shares with NBFCs are also included.
  • Details of all other charges registered are also available (using data from MCA).
  • Extensive validation and de-duplication of transactions. (Original document, as filed to stock exchange also available.).

Coverage: 1st April 2013 onwards

13) PRIMEINFOBASE: Shareholders

It covers data on shareholder (promoters and public>1%)-wise (made possible due to extensive name cleaning/unique exercise) and company-wise holdings and changes in shareholding in all companies across all quarters over the last seven years (Scheme-wise Mutual Fund holdings of even less than 1% are covered). This database is updated daily.

Some of the first-of-a-kind features/reports of this database are:

  • Incorporation and rectification of filings made by companies as per revised shareholding format issued by SEBI in December 2015.
  • Who owns what shares, changes in shareholding, and entry and exits of investors: Track changes in shareholding of individual promoters and public shareholders within a company over the last seven years. Also, view present holding and track changes in shareholding of promoters and public shareholders across all companies during the previous 7 years.
  • Company-wise, Industry-wise, and Index-wise searches are available, as also searches by Shareholder Name and Shareholder name ‘Contains.’
  • Calculate the Market value of holdings of any shareholder (promoter or public) at any given point in the last 7 years.
  • Compare shareholding of peer group companies, companies belonging to a particular industry, or companies belonging to a specific index.
  • Compare shareholding in summary format or per detailed SEBI format for a company across quarters.
  • Track changes in pledged shareholding, promoter-wise, quarter-wise, across the last seven years.
  • Track shareholder-wise changes across quarters, E.g., Which promoter or which FII, and in which company, has increased his shareholding the most between 2 quarters.
  • Track Shareholder Category (Promoter, FII, DII, etc.)-wise changes across quarters.
  • Companies where Shareholder Category-wise % Shareholding is within a particular defined range.
  • Industry-wise Public Institutional Shareholding with investor-wise and company-wise break-up.
  • Track shareholding of FIIs/MFs/Insurance companies across all listed companies, industry-wise or company-wise.
  • Ranking of Top 25 FIIs (holding more than 1%)/ Top 10 Mutual Funds/ Top 5 Insurance Companies (holding more than 1%) / Top 25 Shareholders (Entities)/ Top 25 Shareholders (Persons) across all companies.
  • View shareholders who have been re-classified from Promoters to Public or vice versa.
  • View shareholders who have been classified as Promoter and Public in the same company in the same quarter.
  • Compare locked-in shares of promoters and public shareholders across quarters, view details of partly paid-up shares, outstanding convertible securities, warrants, and outstanding DRs.
  • Chart shareholder category-wise or shareholder-wise changes in shareholding

            Coverage: 1st April 2009 onwards.

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