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Alphabetical List of HS Talks Videos
4 traits of successful marketers
A basic introduction to macroeconomics
A Bayesian approach to attribute based consideration sets
A convergence model for change
A dynamic stochastic pension fund model 1
A dynamic stochastic pension fund model 2
A new approach to valuing ecosystem services
A resource-driven acquisition by a Chinese firm
A review of related empirical research on retail payments
Accelerated leadership development in emerging economies
Accessible tourism – the missed opportunity!
Accounting for entrepreneurs: key principles and essential practices
Accounting for sustainability: an overview
Accruals and prepayments
Achieving sustainable service improvement in contact centers
Actuarial decision-making: the example of Bordeaux red wine auctions
Adding value to business continuity management through external relations
Adolescence - between childhood and adulthood
Advanced statistical techniques of direct marketing tests
Advances in observational research
Advertising, big ideas and the power of participation
Aesthetics and consumption
Aesthetics of leadership: the example of Barack Obama
Affective decision-making
After all we are only human: leading people in organizational change
Air cargo: the neglected area
Airline marketing
Airport branding
Alibaba: the company that made eBay a dwarf
Alternatives to downsizing
American Heart Association and the Pharmaceutical Roundtable
AmorePacific and the magic of Korean beauty
An ethnographic approach to strategy as practice: Using video to observe strategizing
An institutional perspective and the role of the state for Chinese OFDI
An introduction to digital marketing tools and techniques
An introduction to managing people in organizations
An introduction to risk management
An introduction to social marketing
An overview and history of leadership and leadership development
An overview of peer to peer (P2P) lending
An overview of recent developments in theory and practice
An overview of strategically-focused retailing: opportunities and challenges
Anaya Honey: a story of sweet success
Appealing to the wealthy donor
Apple: creative destruction and the Icarus dilemma
Apple: from subculture to cultural dominance
Applications of stochastic optimization to sovereign institutions 1
Applications of stochastic optimization to sovereign institutions 2
Ariel Gel: harnessing sustainability for competitive advantage
Aspen Aerogels: a capability-based framework for global expansion
Assessing and building an IS capability
Assessing business structure: a case study in the energy industry
Assessing synergies: a case study of Zillow and Trulia
Assessment and evaluation
Asset tracing and recovery
Asymmetry of perceptions: the impact on emotions, cognitions, and conflict
Attracting and retaining sports fans
Attracting business sponsorship for major events
Attributes of the professional director: introduction
Attribution theory in the organizational sciences
Australian firms doing business in China
Avoiding the gender trap
B2B integrated marketing
B2B planning and strategy
B2B price optimization analytics
Banco de la Gente: strategies to withstand large competition
Bank competition and stability: friends or foes?
Banking the unbanked
Basic cash transactions
Bay of Pigs: How groupthink led to a military failure
Bayesian essentials and bayesian regression
Bayesian instrumental variables and simultaneity
Bayesian modeling of social network data
Bayesian stochastic dynamic models for internet auctions
Behavioral issues in change
Belt and road initiative: how could Canadian business get involved?
Belt and road: a game changer?
Best Buy: collective wisdom in decision making
Best practice in DAM implementations
Beyond spot advertising
Beyond the spot
Big data collection and dataset cleaning
Big data in corporate finance
Big markets for small companies
Bitcoin and beyond: the promises of blockchain
Blogging, Twitter and journalism
Blowing the whistle on corruption: the Enron story
Blue ocean strategy
Boeing: mitigating socio-political risks to the supply chain
Boeing: more than just an aircraft manufacturer
BP Deepwater Horizon: the value of sustainability accounting
Brand essentials - why brands are so important in hotel marketing
Brand new experience: the emergent marketplace
Branding and brand management
Branding the experience, experiencing the brand
Branding: how it works and why it matters
Brands across the Mekong: a dual case history
Brands and play
British Airways: a case study in social media management
Broadcast sponsorship and new media rights
Building a brand
Building a tech product for social impact
Building and sustaining agile information systems
Building B2B brands through advertising
Building brand websites
Building brands through mobile-enhanced communities
Building brands with effective shopper marketing
Building business resiliency through control system principles
Building change through executive development interventions
Building communities for insight and advocacy
Building energy for change
Building global brands
Building permission-based relationships: new methods for gaining opt-in
Building trust through leader communication
Bundling in banking - strategy to increase profits
Business continuity planning across a matrix
Business ethics
Business ethics
Business valuation in M&A: the case of Family Dollar
Butterfly Hotels, Ltd. - a UK insolvency law and practice case study
C5 electric car: failure of a marketing strategy
Campaign optimisation
Capacity strategies
Capitalizing on Hip Hop in sport (a 2007 strategy)
Cargill: the importance of transparency in environmental policy
Cash flow statement
Cash vs. accrual accounting
Caterpillar bundles to win: operations strategy in action
Caterpillar: a service brand for customer peace of mind
CellCo: using metaphors to understand organizational identity
Central bank asset allocation
Challenge of value: building customer value through understanding
Challenges and pitfalls in risk management - an executive's perspective
Challenges, strategies and innovation in managing information systems
Change and its leadership
Change and the individual: expectations and triggers
Change management
Change management and complexity dynamics
Change management in the private and public sector
Channel management 1
Channel management 2
Channels of distribution
Chilean mine rescue: how ‘teaming’ saved the lives of 33 miners
China and the birth of globalization
China’s ‘Belt & Road’: a new era of global economic leadership?
China’s foreign direct investment: the role of country of origin
Chinese M&A in Germany
Chinese OFDI in Africa: trends, prospects, threats?
Chinese outward foreign direct investmet in Europe
Chinese state owned enterprise going global
Chinese SWFs: meeting the dragon
Cisco: strategic alliances - who, when and why
CityFalcon: case study of a financial start-up
CivilisedBank: traditional SME relationship banking, reinvented
Clarifying the roles of marketing and sales
Classic and agile project management
Clearing and settlement systems and the role of regulation
Client-consultant interaction: ‘outsider’ status and ambiguity
Coaching as a tool of change
Coaching for first line managers
Coaching in leadership development
Co-creation rules
Cognitive foundations of entrepreneurship: creativity and opportunity recognition
Cognitive limitations and biases in risk decisions
Collaboration at a distance: from virtual teams to open source development
Combating intervention risk
Combating wildlife crime
Commodity price volatility and risk in supply chains
Communicating and promoting financial services
Compassion at work
Competing in foreign markets: a global perspective on national challenges
Competing on capabilities in a global world: the RAT/CAT framework
Competition in banking
Competitive advantages of China’s agricultural exports
Competitive contact in the future
Competitive dynamics in the financial services sector
Competitive rationality, the marketing concept and marketing strategy
Competitive strategy
Competitive supply chain resilience: gaining competitive advantage through innovation & collaboration
Complexity leadership: leadership for a changed world
Complexity leadership: leadership for a changed world
Compliance or integrity?
Computerised packages and internal controls
Concern about children and adolescents
Conditional Value at Risk (CoVAR)
Conducting research with children
Consultancy and change agency
Consultancy, power and management ideas - the case of McKinsey & Co.
Consultancy's consequences? a critical assessment of consultancy’s impact on management
Consulting in the public sector
Consulting knowledge and its management
Consumer behavior
Consumer behavior: why we buy
Consumer behaviour
Consumer optimisation
Contact center technology
Contextualizing Chinese globalization
Continuity of operations planning for academic institutions
Continuous linked settlement (CLS)
Contracting in a supply chain
Conventional pricing 1
Conventional pricing 2
Convergence of media and mobile: the power of mobile marketing and the maturing mobile channel
Corporate bankruptcy: the case of Kodak
Corporate governance after the credit crunch
Corporate governance in banks
Corporate governance: a case study of Freeport McMoran
Corporate judo strategy: leveraging the power of a competitor’s change to grow your own business
Corporate philanthropy
Corporate reputation and responsibility tracking, and disaster recovery
Corporate restructuring & downsizing: theories, science, and lessons
Corporate-level strategy
Corruption and transnational crime
Cost accounting and break-even analysis
Cost categories
Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis
Crash course on entrepreneurial learning
Create connections with your audience
Creating and deploying the entrepreneurial team
Creating and managing sport teams' brands
Creating job ownership
Creating leaner supply chains
Creating positive workplaces: myth or reality?
Creative collaboration: innovation and creativity in teams
Creative ideation
Creative industries strategy
Creative sport marketing communications - the case of Atletico de Madrid
Creativity in magazines
Creativity in magazines and working with publishers
Cross-boundary marketing: sensitivity to global convergence or global individualism?
Cross-cultural management: essential insights for international marketers
Cryptocurrency and blockchain
Cultural differences in decision making
Cultural sponsorship
Culture and Branding
Culture change
Current issues on journalism ethics
Customer centred transformation at E.ON
Customer driven innovation
Customer experience and web design
Customer experience tracking
Customer management in financial services
Customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction with a brief introduction to loyalty
Customer value analysis for product positioning and value-based pricing; creating value for customers and profitable growth for your business
Customer Value Assessment for Value-Based Pricing
Customer value discovery
Customers, retail agglomerations and urban place marketing
Cyber crime: the global dimension
Cyber threat prevention
Data mining algorithms 1
Data mining algorithms 2
Data mining for Customer Relationship Management
Data preparation
Decision analysis
Decision making 1
Decision making 2
Decision making in organizations
Decisions about money
Decisions in high stress environments
Defining the relationship of crime and terrorism
Definitions of risk
Delivering public services
Demand and supply
Demand-driven forecasting: sensing, shaping, and predicting demand
Dependence modeling with copulas
Design builds business
Determining unit costs
Developing a customer driven supply chain strategy
Developing context sensitive approaches to change: contextual features
Developing leaders and leadership, understanding developmental processes
Developing multichannel marketing
Development economics: introduction and overview
Development economics: people, choices, and well-being
Digital Asset Management ROI
Digital banking and banking-as-a-platform
Digital branding for nonprofit organizations
Digital impact on the marketing mix
Digital strategy
Digital versus traditional marketing for hotels
Discipline and dismissal
Discourse analysis as a method in strategy-as-practice
Discovering intuitive intelligence: real stories from personal and professional life
Disruptive education: reversing the value chain
Diversity and inclusion in organizations
Diversity management
Diversity management
Does the consumer trust you?
Don't ask customers what they want, ask your staff
Downsizing: costs, consequences, and best practices
Drug trafficking in the Golden Triangle
DVLA - one of the UK's biggest online retailers: a multichannel story
Economic capital modeling: the UniCredit Group framework
Economics and value based pricing
Economics or exploitation? How Uber applies price discrimination
Education in developing countries: issues, trends, and assessment of policies
Educational sponsorship
Effective implementation of risk/principles based approach in a supervisory authority
Effective risk based supervision: responding to the crisis
Elasticity: what is it and why is it important?
E-learning and the digital library
Email marketing and E-CRM
E-marketing strategy
Emerging TV technologies and the impact on consumers
Emotions on the telephone
Employability and first line managers
Employee engagement
Employee reward management
Employee voice and engagement
Employees and the great recession
Employment law for first line managers
Empowering leadership
Ending the war between sales and marketing
Engaging employees through high involvement work practices
Engaging willing consumers: international cases and trends
Engineering the risk out of uncertain but high potential investments
Ensuring continuity of access to resources for scholarship
Entrepreneurial opportunities
Entrepreneurship and Indian IT outsourcing: the good, the bad, and the money saved
Entrepreneurship development in China
Entrepreneurship development in China
Entrepreneurship: an activity and a way of life
Entry mode strategy in global marketing
Equity crowdfunding and prosperity
Era of convergence in revenue management
Essentials of business continuity and risk management: business impact analysis and risk assessment
Establishing a contemporary airport route development strategy
Estimating an item's category role
Estimating risk models
Ethical aspects of cross-cultural ethical management
Ethical branding
Ethical leadership
Ethics in management consulting
EU competition law and illegal/abusive pricing
Evaluating retail locations
Evidence-based decision making: How "Sully" Sullenberger saved 155 passengers with 40 years of practice
Evidence-based management: helping managers make better decisions
Evolution of the Indian economy
Exit strategies for entrepreneurs
Expertise and collective intelligence: when teams are (and are not) more than the sum of their parts
Exploring organizational identity in strategy work: towards an embodied metaphor perspective
Export promotion in least developed countries: an overview of programs, challenges and prospects
Expressing organizations through corporate branding
Extreme value theory and copulas
FabLab London: case study of a creative entrepreneur
Facebook - a platform for social connection
Facilitating individual and personal change
Fairness in organizations
Fan connectivity and brand transformation - the ultimate fighter championship experience
FedEx: aligning operations strategy to the company’s mission
Fencing in the practice of revenue management
Fictional leaders: heroes, villains and absent friends
Fighting obesity with social marketing - a case study
Financial crises & bank failures in Europe: from bail-outs to bail-ins
Financial crises, payment system risk and oversight
Financial instruments and leases
Financial resources for the new venture
Financial resources: how to manage them
Financial services distribution
Financial statement analysis
FinTech: enhancers and replacers
Firm optimisation
Fiscal policy: taxation
Fiscal policy: the budget
Flexible working
Flow optimization strategies
Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors: the fall and rise of an automotive empire
Ford: how the model T revolutionised an industry
Forecasting and control
Foreign retailers in China: the first ten years
Fred. Olsen cruise lines: a case study in researching older consumers
From agent to expert
From competition to collaboration: case studies in financial services
From here to there: library content in the digital age
From mass to my
From prophets to profits? The identities of management consultants
From struggle to success: how to use aesthetics to improve business relationships
From the 4Ps to the 4Es and a few other thoughts for the digital-age marketer
Fundamentals of credit - lecture #1
Fundamentals of credit - lecture #2
Fundamentals of data analysis
Future of sports marketing: trends, challenges, solutions
Gender and consumption
Gender issues for first-level managers
General Motors and the Sullivan Principles: how a multinational company confronted Apartheid
General Motors: a failure of corporate philosophy
Generation Y
Getting inside consumers' heads
Getting real about China: myths about China debunked
Getting the best out of enterprise systems
Getting the most from your life sciences advertising agency: how can doctors be influenced?
Global account management: what it is and what it isn’t
Global and local perspectives on B2B branding
Global consumers and in-store promotions
Global distribution capabilities, origin destination control and dynamic pricing
Global optimization of the value chain
Global risks of economic espionage, industrial spying and international trade secrets
Global talent management
Globalization and corporate social responsibility
Globalization and governance: China’s politics
Globalization and the car industry in China
Globalization and the growth of transnational crime
Globalization of China’s petrochemicals industry
Globalization of market presence
Globalization: the implication for Russia
Going global: foundational ideas
Governance, risk and compliance
Government debt management in developing and emerging market countries
Government security types and their modeling
Green procurement
Gross domestic product (GDP)
Group accounting
Group decision making
Group problem-solving and decision-making
Growing entrepreneurial business
Growing great contact center communicators
Guanxi and McDonald’s
Haggar: making things right
Handling complaints from your team members
Happiness, values & society - Gross National Happiness in Bhutan - Lessons for the UK?
Harley Davidson: creating experience from strategy
Harnessing energy
Health effects of restructuring and downsizing
Hedge fund risk assessment
Hedging in commodities markets: Continental Resources
Helping children navigate the commercial world of media
Hewlett Packard: a pioneering approach to global account management
Hierarchical effects of advertising
Hierarchical models, conditional independence and data augmentation
High-performance teams
Hot new lifestyle hotel brands: best practices
How a local brand can compete against international giants
How Aflac used advertising to increase the value of its corporate brand
How American idol attracts and retains fans
How BAE systems turned a scandal into a success
How BMW partnered with cancer survivors to boost their brand
How Boeing reframed its supply chain to build the dreamliner
How brands can shift toward an experience-led model
How can companies be corporately socially responsible?
How can you extend the product life cycle of a FMCG brand?
How cultural differences impact a multinational business
How Dell reformed its supply chain technology to reduce risk
How do consumers perceive value and price: understanding value-based pricing
How do you measure the performance and effectiveness of web marketing?
How does it work? The evidence for radio's effectiveness
How does search engine advertising work and why is it so important to get it right?
How families took control of change: Jamie Oliver’s school dinners
How high velocity organizations get ahead and stay ahead
How Kelon and Haier innovated to attract the local Chinese market
How LCC entry at Richmond impacted price, growth and the local economy
How Lucozade defeated the sceptics
How markets for goods and labor must adapt to allow development
How Nintendo positioned the launch of Wii
How Orange transformed shareholder value through brand marketing
How readers engage with newspaper advertising
How sales and sales management are changing
How search engine optimization works
How search engine optimization works
How Singapore Airlines created a legend of glamorous service
How social marketing can change the world
How Southwest Airlines challenged a global crisis
How Telefónica partnered with Fidor Bank to launch a mobile banking app
How Tesco used its clubcard programme to revive its brand and become a market leader
How the older market is evolving internationally
How to be a successful entrepreneur
How to build a model to improve response
How to build a more human enterprise
How to connect the brand to the customer
How to create a fair and equal absence management policy
How to design and evaluate a direct marketing test
How to evaluate results from direct marketing campaigns involving targeting
How to leverage a strong brand to retain trust: two case studies
How to market a regional airport?
How to neglect a strong brand and lose a market: three cases
How to plan TV campaigns
How to successfully implement projects to improve the demand prediction process
How top level recruitment really happens
How Walmart built sustainability into the supply chain
How Westin Hotels and Four Seasons leveraged symbolic values to build their brands
How WWF partnered with Nokia to promote conservation
How Zara optimised distribution for a fast-changing fashion market
IKEA: reducing non-price outlays and maximising demand
Illicit small arms and light weapons
Impact of Chinese culture on Chinese consumers
Implementation: a framework for facilitating employee adaption to major organizational transitions
Impression management: a dramaturgical perspective
Improving decisions under uncertainty 1
Improving decisions under uncertainty 2
Improving results from digital channels
Improvising improvisational change
Income statement and sales ledger
Incoterms 2000
Increasing public value: public leadership and strategic management to tackle tough problems with citizens and communities
Index-based livestock insurance
India as an emerging market
India: retail and consumer
Indian culture: an introduction
Indian politics
Information ethics
Information risk management
Information systems for crisis management
Initial public offerings 1
Initial public offerings 2
Innovation and new product development (INPD)
Innovation beyond firm boundaries: an introduction
Innovation in China
Innovation in family business
Innovation: the paradox of back to the future
Inside the risk management function
Institutional China and Chinese OFDI
Institutional repositories
Insurance for development
Integrated digital marketing communications
Integrated marketing communications
Integrating marketing communications
Integration of emergency management and business continuity: case study - assessing your organization's resiliency
Intel: a case study in capacity planning and strategy
Interaction between private and public systems
Interest rates and asset prices: Annaly Capital Management
Internal consulting
International acquisitions of Chinese firms
International acquisitions of Chinese firms
International branding
International marketing
International marketing planning: adaptation and standardisation
International product policy
Internationalization and SMEs: a practitioner's perspective
Internationalization of an emerging country brand: from a corner shop in Istanbul, to Oxford Street, London
Internet banking
Introducing the field of managing organizations
Introduction to accounting records and accounts
Introduction to budgeting
Introduction to digital marketing and social media
Introduction to financial reporting
Introduction to financial services marketing
Introduction to FinTech
Introduction to managerial accounting
Introduction to MCMC methods and the Gibbs sampler
Introduction to political communications
Introduction to practical cybersecurity
Introduction to Strategy-as-Practice
Introduction to systematic reviews for librarians
Introduction to the Henry Stewart Talks organizational behavior series
Introduction to the journalism series
Introduction to the series
Intuition and decision making
Intuition or experience? Tacit knowledge in decision making
Intuitive intelligence in business (engineering, construction and manufacturing)
Intuitive intelligence in business: introduction
Inventory and supply chain strategies
Investigating the strategic influence of customer satisfaction on firm financial performance
Is TV a dying medium?
Islamic banking and finance
Isolating the increase in brand value
Issuance methods of government securities
IT outsourcing in India
IT/Business alignment in practice
Jifiti: the gift of a farsighted entrepreneur
Job attitude - work behavior relationships
Job design
Job order costing
Joint choice decisions
Journalists and society
Keep it simple
Keeping the plan ready through awareness, testing and maintenance
Kids through the ages
KIND snacks: the difference between nice and kind
KLM Airlines: from crisis to social media success
Knowledge and innovation
Knowledge empowering risk management
Lakehouse: a framework for socially responsible strategy
Large value payment systems and the role of regulation
Laying the foundations for multichannel marketing through CRM strategy
Leadership and the unconscious
Leadership development of women executives
Leadership in action
Leadership in middle management and operations
Leadership teams
Leadership transitions
Leading bank credit portfolio strategies
Leading extraordinarily positive performance
Leading in organizations
Leading organizational change 1
Leading organizational change 2
Leading the board: international survey
Learning & memory
Legal issues relating to new ventures: protecting your intellectual assets
LEGO Group enterprise risk management
Lehman Brothers & General Motors: contrasting models of failure
Lessons from a start-up: revolutionising display advertising at Whichit
Lessons from the recent market turmoil for effective risk based supervision
Let’s celebrate mistakes
Leveraging corporate responsibility: what responsible leaders need to know
Leveraging sponsorship through integrated marketing
Libraries in a digital age: access
Libraries in a digital age: fundamentals and latest thinking - an introduction
Library as place?
Low cost worlds and the airline industry
Macmillan: learning through communities of practice
Magazines in the driving seat
Mail order and online shopping: the case of Uji Tea
Make or buy and product elimination decisions
Making better pricing decisions with informative priors
Making decisions
Making M&A's successful
Making multichannel change work; realizing the potential gain
Making search work for the mobile ecosystem
Making the leap from average to great: the Apollo story
Making the numbers: CPFR and S&OP Continuum
Management consultancy - a new profession?
Management consultants
Management gurus as fashion celebrities
Management history
Management ideas, fashions and consulting
Management of working capital
Managerial responses to customer measurement
Managerial responsibility and business ethics
Managing BPO and IT outsourcing
Managing brands in Asia
Managing business conflict: the use of "alternative dispute resolution" in business disputes
Managing communication
Managing complexity in the supply chain
Managing conflict constructively
Managing cultures
Managing customer service
Managing high reliability organizations (HROs): insights from HRO operations
Managing HR for organizational performance
Managing marketing communication in a multichannel system
Managing operational risks in small and medium manufacturing enterprises - a strategic approach
Managing organizational change: a philosophies of change approach
Managing organizational decision making
Managing organizational factors to improve forecasting performance
Managing outsourcing projects
Managing people
Managing people in networked organisations
Managing reputation in a transparent world
Managing retail customer relationships
Managing strategy and HRM
Managing supply chain partnerships
Managing sustainably
Managing talent during times of uncertainty
Managing teams and groups
Market discipline in financial regulation
Market segmentation - a fundamental concept of marketing
Market segmentation - a fundamental concept of marketing
Market segmentation: a vital component of hotel marketing
Marketing airports to facilitate the development of tourism
Marketing and the internet
Marketing for nonprofit organisations
Marketing for SMEs
Marketing in school environments: the youth marketing industry perspective
Marketing major events
Marketing major sports venues - the Amsterdam ArenA case
Marketing mix modeling
Marketing to baby boomer women
Marketing to women using social media
Marks & Spencer: the quest to master the new millennium
Marriott and the Amazon Foundation: an example of strategic sustainability
Marriott Hotels and the globalization of a brand
Mass communications
Mastering business action: implications for management learning in business schools
McDonald's in India: how far should multinational companies go in adapting to local markets?
Measures of financial risk
Measuring employee performance
Measuring the effectiveness of marketing expenditure
Measuring the impact of promotional activity
Media choice: "Traditional media", "Online Pic' n' mix" & "Sponsorship"
Media ownership in the age of convergence
Media research in the 21st Century
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): a process perspective
Metropolis algorithms, logit and quantile regression estimation
Middle managers and their strategic work
MIRA Rehab: a tale of hi-tech physiotherapy
Mobile advertising for the masses
Mobile marketing best practices
Mobile money: the challenge of payments for the unbanked
Mobile research in marketing
Mobile technologies
Model choice and decision theory
Modeling business dependencies for credit portfolios
Modelling UK Mortgage Default in Light of the Financial Crisis
Models for risk aggregation and sensitivity analysis: an application to bank economic capital
Models for strategic change: an overview from strategic management
Models for upper levels of a hierarchy
Modern approaches to stress testing central banks and financial systems: lessons learned from the crisis
Modern brand management: innovation
Modern marketing strategy at US airports
Molton Brown: making a splash with bath and cosmetics design
Monetary Policy: the challenge of interest rates
Money laundering and terrorist finance
Moods and emotions at work
Motivating the industrial sales force in the sales forecasting process
Motivation and self-concept
Multichannel challenges for retail marketers
Multinational corporations and abusive states: should they stay put and make things better or withdraw?
Multinational strategy: an overview
Myths of doing business with Chinese
NASA: Influence of a strong organizational culture
NASCAR - using technology to improve the experience
Nation branding
Negotiating across cultures
Negotiating in European Union countries
Negotiating in India
Negotiating through a mediator
Negotiation ethics
Negotiation: telephonic and email
Negotiations & bargaining introduction
Negotiations & bargaining: styles & stages
Negotiations & bargaining: techniques
Neuromarketing and consumer neuroscience
Neuroscience and advertising
Neuroscience and newspapers
Neustar. Inc: the challenges of diversification
New Challenges in Airport Business
New Chinese entrepreneurs
New modalities of instruction: blended and flipped learning
New product development
Nigerian organized crime
Non-current assets
Non-market considerations: the socio-political imperative in international business
Non-monetary blockchain use cases and smart contracts
Not for profit sponsorship
Novelty in patents: a European perspective
Nuclear trafficking
Obama’s online campaign: a personal touch for the masses
Omni-channel operations
One Aldwych, London: combining sustainability with luxury
One belt, one road, one world: where is the US business connectivity?
Onfido: a case study of a values-focused start-up
Online advertising formats: a creatives viewpoint
Online branding
Online customer experience in e-retailing
Online marketplace analysis
Online media
Online media planning: getting the strategy and targeting right
Online travel data: A goldmine of new opportunities
Online video advertising
Open innovation
Operational and financial hedging
Operational outages in large value payment systems
Operations strategy: a decision and evaluation framework
Operations strategy: competition, competencies & trade-offs
Optimizing a retail strategy: integration, analysis, and adaptation
Options for segmenting the mature consumer
Organisational buyer behaviour
Organization design: its evolution within a changing context
Organization of debt management offices
Organizational and transformational change
Organizational buying
Organizational change: transformation from e-government
Organizational culture and change
Organizational politics
Organizational politics
Organized crime in Asia
Organized crime in Europe
Organized crime in North America
'Organized crime' in Russia and eastern Europe: from rhetoric to reality
Organizing for multichannel sales and marketing
Outstanding hospitality marketing for the 'noughties'
Overview of web mining and its applications 1
Overview of web mining and its applications 2
Paths to globalization: Korean chaebol and Chinese SOEs
Pay and reward
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) lending
People and performance
Performance management - an art and a science
Performance measurement of branded hotels
Performance metrics to sustain peak performance
Personal asset/liability management: using the discretionary wealth hypothesis within an equilibrium term structure
Personal contact networks: an overview and application
Personality and psychographics
Petsmart: a case study in private equity buyouts
Philosophy, framework and management tools to ensure a needs led approach to nonprofit/voluntary organization work
Place branding and product-place image effects
Plan and deliver
Please touch: how your sense of touch can influence marketing decisions
Portfolio planning and risk management in the pharmaceutical industry 1
Portfolio planning and risk management in the pharmaceutical industry 2
Positioning a mid-size overseas bank to do business in the USA
Positive organizational behavior
Power and politics in organizations
Practical pricing and the airline industry
Practical pricing and the car park
Practical pricing and the restaurant industry
Practical pricing for the hotel industry
Practical use of portfolio risk management today
Predicting demand: the technique fundamentals
Predicting demand: what is world class and what is worst-in-class
Preventing agent burnout
Pricing and price policy
Pricing and revenue optimization: maximizing staff effectiveness
Pricing determinants and decisions in financial services
Pricing in the pharmaceutical industry
Pricing on Value in Engineering
Pricing strategies: the case of Verifone
Pricing strategy with business intelligence
Pricing, reimbursement and market access issues in the United States and Europe
Process costing
Product (RED): a consumer and campaign partnership
Product design and the supply chain
Product management and product elimination
Product specialization: how different brands compete
Product strategy and management
Profit - the role of world class strategic marketing planning
Program communication
Protecting the bottom-line in a downturn
Proximity marketing: background and best practices
Psychological Barriers to Negotiation
Public policy and marketing research and practice
Public relations
Public risk management: managing risk in public institutions
Puma: how sustainability accounting creates a win-win for companies and stakeholders
Purchasing consultancy
Qualitative data analysis
Qualitative market research
Quality assessments versus customer generated review
Quantitative measurement and management of liquidity risk in a banking context
Quantmare, August 2007
Raising funds in the secondary markets a brief review of the academic research related to Seasoned Equity Offers (SEOs)
Rebranding bread: a shopper marketing success story
Recent developments in government debt management: an overview
Recent developments in organizational culture and climate research
Recent trends in global advertising practice
Recording accounting entries
Recruitment interviewing
Regression with big data
Regulation innovation
Re-imaging and re-imagining approaches to organizational change
Reinventing Management
Relationship marketing
Reporting bias in survey data
Reporting the 'War on Terror'
Reputation, image and influence of the pharmaceutical industry: rebuilding the trust
Rescue mechanisms: UK insolvency law and practice
Research for marketing
Research methodology for strategy as practice
Research on enterprise risk management and chief risk officers
Research services
Researching the older consumer
Residual risk: cybersecurity’s silent passenger
Restructuring: types, causes, and myths about outcomes
Results orientated cause marketing: the secrets of effective partnerships in corporate philanthropy
Retail advertising and promotion
Retail buying: better purchasing and inventory control
Retailer-supplier relationships
Revenue management and air cargo
Rights technologies and online content business models
Risk analysis of complex systems: using hierarchical bayesian models
Risk decomposition (and risk budgeting)
Risk issues of software and IT outsourcing and its impact on business continuity
Risk management
Risk management and big data
Risk management techniques in emerging markets
Risk management: approach and methodology in Carlsberg
Risk management: enabler for better decision making
Risk management: some lessons from the credit crisis
Risk, uncertainty and decision making models
Rocky flats nuclear plant: how positive leadership prevented a radioactive disaster
Rupert Murdoch: integrating media and political power
Russia’s accession to the WTO: problems, solutions, and opportunities
Ryanair: matching the activity system to the strategy
Safety management system at St. Louis Lambert International Airport: a road map for the airport executive
Sales and operations planning (S&OP): bringing it all together
Sales and sales management
Sales force performance management
Sales promotion
Satisfaction's consequences
Scenario planning
Scenario planning for libraries
Scenarios and strategy
Schindler: applying knowledge-based marketing in Japan
Schools of thought in macroeconomics
Search engine marketing
Search-based advertising and revenue management
Secrets of power negotiating
Security analysis
Security Design 1
Security Design 2
Security Design 3
Segmenting your data for maximum customer insight
Selecting strategies and developing the business continuity plan
Selecting the right branded management company
Self evaluation
Semiotics and market research (the other half of the equation)
Sensory cues and shoppers’ touching behaviour: the case of IKEA
Service operations strategies
Services marketing
Setting optimal rents for apartment firms
Shoppernomics: understanding the structure for marketing communications
Short and long term absence management
Should corporations be socially responsible and green?
Silvio Berlusconi: the businessman who became prime minister
Simulation as a tool in studying payment and settlement systems
Simulchanneling in banking
Singular sensations: marketing to single women
Skybus Airlines: the spectacular failure of an excellent idea
Smart contracts: how they might (or might not) transform business
SMEs and the environment
SMS: customer leading or customer led?
Social consequences of globalization: from isolated to globally connected
Social influence & marketing: the Hush Puppies story
Social media and consumer behavior
Social media and nonprofits: 8 principles for success
Social media marketing
Social media marketing
Social networking and fundraising online
Social values and cross-cultural factors in consumer behavior
Social web and libraries
Socially responsible investment
Sound practice in government debt management
Sourcing strategies
Southwest Airlines and American Airlines: aligning operations with strategy
Sovereign credit risk assessment: from traditional indicators to the contingent claim approach
Space shuttle Challenger: how safety and risk were overlooked
Special order pricing and production planning
Speech technologies - recognition and analytics
Sport and the international marketing environment
Sports sponsorship
Staff cooperation in the hospitality industry: seasonal slump to winter wonderland
Standard Life: encouraging older consumers to invest in health insurance
Statement of cash flows
Statistical models for risk management
Stimulating organizational learning through networks and communities
Stochastic optimization and dynamics: what they are and why they are important for risk management in sovereign institutions 1
Stochastic optimization and dynamics: what they are and why they are important for risk management in sovereign institutions 2
Strategic customer management: sales is a strategic issue
Strategic planning: a practice perspective
Strategic planning: a case study from the mining industry
Strategic risk management: an overview
Strategic risk management: how can executives and the board effectively manage major risks?
Strategic risk management: the case of HBOS
Strategic risk management: the case of Lehman Brothers
Strategic risk management: the case of Northern Rock
Strategic sustainability: nature's price
Strategic volunteer involvement: engaging the community in your mission
Strategically managing information security risks
Strategizing talk and text
Strategy and sustainability: 6 Ps for socially responsible strategy
Strategy in sponsorship - the basis for creativity
Strategy professionals: strategic planners and strategy consultants
Strategy: planning for competitive edge 1
Strategy: planning for competitive edge 2
Strategy-as-practice and micro-foundations
Stress at work
Structural and reduced form models
Structuring big data
Studying strategy from a practice perspective: an overview and examples
Studying strategy practices and strategy tools
Subcultures and socialization
Supersizing and upselling in fast food restaurants and bars: what responsibility have companies got if customers choose to consume too much fast food or too much alcohol?
Supervisory cooperation in Europe from a banking perspective
Supervisory evaluation of Pillar I and economic capital models
Supervisory review process under Basel II
Supply chain management: Motorola’s complexity index
Supply continuity planning
Supporting research: new opportunities for 'subject librarians' and other staff
Sustainability and business risk
Sustainability and corporate environmental management
Sustainability in operations
Sustainability of digital libraries: economic issues and business planning
Sustainable freight transport
Sustainable supply chain management
Sustainable supply chains: Marks & Spencer’s Plan A
Sustainable tourism
Sweet dreams and nightmares: learning from good and bad leaders
Sweet dreams and nightmares: learning from good and bad leaders
Switching banks: gone but not forgotten
Systems thinking for service centers
Tackling transnational crime
Talent management
Talent management implications
Talent: the secret to being world class
Talisman and Sudan: the role of multinationals in conflict zones
Targeting and segmentation in marketing
Tata Motors’ acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover
Tax is a product not a task
Teaching business studies in the visual era
Team diversity
Teams and learning in organizations
Technological change, financial innovation, and diffusion in international banking
Technology commercialization primer
Technology convergence: the evolving mobile phone
Ten rules for online fundraising success
Tesco: how supply chain strategy supports retail success
The 5 forces of change: a blueprint for leading successful change
The 50-plus market: the importance of demographics and geodemographics
The Abu Ghraib torture photographs: news frames, visual culture and the power of images
The aesthetics of leadership
The analysed cash book and nominal ledger
The Barcodes of Finance
The beyond mum
The brand game: Club vs Country
The building blocks of intuitive intelligence
The business case for DAM
The call and contact center trainer as change agent
The case of a single brand corporation
The case of Visa: how marketers can choose the right performance metrics
The challenges of the leverage ratio
The change and continuity of China’s trade policy and its participation in global governance
The changing role of salespeople
The consulting project cycle
The critical nature of non-verbal signals in negotiation
The director as an entrepreneur
The distinctive nature of sport marketing
The dynamics of the hotel customer
The economics of debt management
The economics of retail payments: theory and practice
The Economist: a pricing experiment
The effectiveness of magazine advertising
The effects on sales when franchising a hotel
The emergence of microeconomics
The encroachment framework 1
The encroachment framework 2
The ethical challenges of leadership
The Euro and Europe’s economic stagnation
The evolution and role of continuous medical education (CME)
The Evolution of CRM
The evolution of the sales cycle
The evolving role of place branding in tourism marketing
The experience of consultants
The fundamentals of business intelligence - what it does and why it's so essential
The future of branding within the pharmaceutical industry
The future of direct response fundraising
The future of EU-CIS trade
The future of frontline journalism
The future of inward and outward investment in Russia
The future of the contact center advisor
The fuzzy front end of innovation
The global Indian firm
The global marketing imperative
The global power of the purse - how women are leading the way in the 21st century economy
The globalization of Chinese enterprises
The good, the bad and the ugly of cause marketing
The helpfulness of user-generated product reviews: a retailer’s perspective
The human side of contact centers
The impact of communication on human behaviour in times of crisis
The impact of globalisation on supply chains
The impact of the Internet on the news media
The impact of variable data on response rate and revenue
The importance of Guanxi in business in China
The importance of tourism awards - why enter and how to win
The inherently distributive aspects of many bargaining interactions
The interdependencies of payment and settlement systems
The internationalization of family and non family-owned SMEs
The internationalization process
The landscapes of China: past and present influences on society and politics
The leadership challenges of wicked problems
The legal framework and financial aspects of sponsorship
The machine-human interface: how to better judge emerging events
The market for government bonds
The marketing environment
The marketing mix
The mixed effect of incentives and the role of experience and regret
The mobile future: how new technologies will drive success in mobile marketing
The moral foundations for change management
The move to insight - Implications for qualitative researchers
The multichannel challenge: channel combining for wealth
The nature of the market
The need for a new paradigm
The new triad power: impact on global markets, resources and politics
The Nordstrom way to customer service excellence
The online newspaper user: young, affluent and online savvy?
The organization of human resource strategies
The origins of globalization or globalization .5
The origins of management: strategy's story
The past and future of data mining: where are we coming from, where are we going to?
The political economy of China-U.S. relations: the group of two
The producer's lot: what to consider in production
The relevance of the magazine and reader relationship in the 21st century
The resource-based view of strategy
The retailer as a brand
The role of logistics within a retailing strategy
The role of meetings in strategizing
The role of metadata and XMP in Digital Asset Management 1
The role of metadata and XMP in Digital Asset Management 2
The role of personality at work
The role of supervisors for change acceptance
The role of the sales organization in predicting demand: Qualitative Sales Forecasting
The role TV plays in 21st century lives
The science and art of economic forecasting
The scope and nature of retail marketing
The scope and nature of retail marketing
The self-determination theory perspective on motivation in organizations
The social theories of practice underpinning the strategy-as-practice
The SoV Probit
The state and development of science and technology parks in China
The state of play
The statement of financial position and non-current assets
The statistics of segmentation and classification
The strategic role for TV advertising within integrated communications
The structure of equity risk models
The structure of global management consulting firms
The Swiss occupational pension system
The team unbound: unpacking the real implications of the shift to global, dynamic, and overlapping teams
The Thinkbox engagement study
The use of mindfulness meditation to reduce bargaining anxiety
The use of social grading in British market research
The value of brands to shareholders
The value of HB in conjoint/choice analysis
The value proposition
The virtuous manager
The web and the 50-plus
'Things Fall Apart': a story of leadership, intuition, and social transformation
Three things to know about the stock market
T-Mobile: strategic decisions to improve position in the market
Tourism is a people business
Township and village enterprises (TVEs)
Toyota’s supplier association: a case study
Trade integration: its threats and opportunities for agricultural exports between EU, CIS and Russia
Trade relations within and between the countries of the former Soviet Union
Trade-up and trade-down: models for capturing change in consideration set
Traditional theories of capital structure: trade-off versus pecking order
Trafficking in diamonds
Trafficking in human beings: phenomenon and counter-measures
Trafficking in human organs in Europe
Training needs analysis
Transformative consumer research
Transforming a mediaeval university
Transforming humanitarian logistics: the journey to supply network management
Transnational corporations and climate change: towards a global governance framework
Transnational crime : trafficking in antiquities
Transnational environmental crime
Transnational vehicle crime
Trends in the European financial system and implications for supervision
Trust in negotiation
Trust in organisational relationships
Tutorial on Kelly capital growth investment strategies for long term growth with application to SWFs 1
Tutorial on Kelly capital growth investment strategies for long term growth with application to SWFs 2
TV buying
TV creativity: making TV advertising that people want to watch
Types of goods
UK advertising and the law: where regulation meets new challenges
Understanding business time-to-event problems using survival data mining
Understanding coaching
Understanding financial services consumers and behavior
Understanding India's business climate: a national business system perspective
Understanding minorities
Understanding recurrent and disruptive risk in supply chains
Understanding the current market for airline services at airports
Understanding the current trends in worldwide tourism
Understanding the generation gap
Understanding the link with Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Understanding the new super consumer (mom and kids)
Understanding the physician
Understanding the Power Of Guanxi
Understanding the retail customer
Understanding the sales process: selling in the 21st century
Unit-level models and discrete demand
Unleashing change in public services
Unmade: case study of a bespoke knitwear start-up
US and China: are there any winners in a trade war?
Using integrative bargaining to achieve mutually beneficial agreements
Using social media and web 2.0 technology for business continuity
Using social media data in investments
Utility theory and mean variance
Validation techniques I: regulatory and statistical background
Validation techniques II: discriminatory power and calibration
Value based pricing on customer value
Value based selling
Valuing Corporate Brands
VaR when volatility is changing
Variety: models of multiple-discreteness
Vendor supplied MARC records for online collections
Venture capital 1
Venture capital 2
Venture capital 3
Verizon and Vodafone: a case study in joint ventures
Vocational skills training: the ICZ way
Voice from the front-line
Voice of the customer
Walmart: a roadmap for globalisation
Waterfields: social entrepreneurship and innovation engineering
Web 2.0/social media: 'the times they are a changing'
What are business models? How the concept can be useful for managers and society
What are the learning elements of integrative (holistic) thinking?
What color is your paratext? trust metrics
What does knowledge work do?
What entrepreneurs need to know before they start
What is “first line management”?
What is DAM - the discipline and practice of Digital Asset Management
What is marketing?
What is radio good for? Strategic roles for the medium
What is sponsorship?
What makes for a great team?
What should shareholders decide and how should their decisions be made?
What will consumers pay more for? Luxury markets and premium pricing
When gender equality values don’t translate into action
Which digital marketing formats work?
Whistleblowers or Witnesses
Who are an organization's stakeholders and to what extent should an organization have regard to their interests?
Who will direct your actors? The truth about radio direction
Why branded hotels can outperform non-branded competitors
Why corporate restructuring and downsizing efforts often fail
Why did nobody tell us?: Business journalism and the financial crisis
Why do you lead the way you do?
Why people buy fashion
Why we buy; shopping and the purchasing environment
Why we buy? "Culture" lecture
Win the China IP war and gain globally I
Win the China IP war and gain globally II
Women in the labyrinth of leadership
Word-of-mouth communication and opinion leadership
Work and psychological well-being
Work motivation: definition, purpose, and relevance
Working capital management and liquidity risk
World class key account management
Writing a business plan for a new venture
Writing radio ads: there is more to it than meets the ear!
Yarra Valley Water: double-loop learning and sustainability
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