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Annual Reports of Companies: Home


This Guide is created to illustrate the retrieval of Annual reports from our collection of Databases

Name of database

No. of companies

Listed / unlisted/Indian/Overseas

Coverage (Annual Report)

Dion Insight

Companies: 5500

Listed and Unlisted Companies: 5500

Reports available for the last 10 years

CMIE ProwessIQ 

Companies: 50107

Listed: Approx. 5000
Unlisted: 45107

1999 to Present 


Companies: 18007809

Public: 55462 

2014 to till date (Financial Information)

Private: 17952347

Capitaline AWS

Companies 55870

Listed: 9898

Reports available for the last 5 years

Unlisted: 44972

EMIS Intelligence-Asia Service

Companies: 35000

Around 35,000 listed & unlisted companies 

Available for last five years


Companies: 102000

102,000 Company Profiles, 110 Country Profiles, 139 City Profiles, 535 Case Studies, 271 Analyst Insights, 895,000 Analyst Insights, 458,000 Financial Deals

Financials and Chairman's statement from Annual Reports included for public companies where available

CD Mirrorning server( Sansco)

Companies: 6500

Annual Reports

1999 to 2005



Public traded Companies

2009 to till date



Active Public Co: 50000

2009 to till date

Private Co: 1.7 Million