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Dataset Access Guide: UNIDO - INDSTAT


UNIDO provides online access to different sets of data, variables like Employees, wages & salaries, female employees, Gross fixed capital information, index numbers of industrial production. Data can be tabulated using different dimensions (e.g. years, countries) and filtered (e.g. Output of India). Data can be download in excel format and also can view and save a graphical representation of the selected data in different types of a graph like a line chart, map, bar chart and scatter plot.

It covers the following industries:

a. Food and beverages
b. Tobacco products
c. Textiles
d. Wearing apparel, fur
e. Leather, leather products and footwear
f. Wood products (excl. furniture)
g. Paper and paper products
h. Printing and publishing
i. Coke, refined petroleum products, nuclear fuel
j. Chemicals and chemical products
k. Rubber and plastics products
l. Non-metallic mineral products
m. Basic metals
n. Fabricated metal products
o. Machinery and equipment
p. Office, accounting and computing machinery
q. Electrical machinery and apparatus
r. Radio, television and communication equipment
s. Medical, precision and optical instruments
t. Motor vehicles, trailers, semi-trailers
u. Other transport equipment
v. Furniture; manufacturing
w. Recycling
x. Total manufacturing

INDSTAT2 provides data by a single classification standard for more than 40 years, which makes it particularly valuable for long-term structural analysis. As with INDSTAT2 presents data for seven principle indicators (number of establishments, employment, wages and salaries, output, value added, gross fixed capital formation and number of female employees). The value figures are presented in current prices. The database includes the index numbers of industrial production, which show the real growth of the volume of production by 2-digit of ISIC Rev. 3.


• Industries-23
• Number of countries: 170
• Reference period: 1963 - 2016

How to Access