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PGPEM Library Orientation

Steps to Access

How to search for article from Electronic Journals

1.  Journal Finder

  • Lists all journals subscribed by IIMB and Open Source Journals
  • The coverage of every journal is mentioned
    • Abstract level
    • Full text
    • Source (Ex. Business Source Complete, ABI Inform, etc.)

 Please check Journal Finder to identify the Journal, from which you are searching for an article. Click here to know how to use Journal Finder


2.  Find the Wizard in library Servuce Click on Single Search from the Wizard given below. You can search IIMB subscribed Journal Articles and Library Catalogue.

This is useful to locate articles from IIMB subscribed journals and open source.

You can also filter your search from the left side of the frame to restrict it to the type of content. Such as

  • Publication Date
  • Books, ebooks Magazines, Peer reviewed articles, etc
  • You can narrow down to a specific subject.

 If the desired article is not found in the single search platform, please use the following options.

Option 1.      J-Gate  

J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature that provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online offered by 13,269 Publishers. It presently has a massive database of journal literature, indexed from 45,192 e-journals with links to full text at publisher sites. 

Where to find J-Gate (ILL Request can be place)

1) (Intranet) → Library Services → Electronic Resources A to Z → J-Gate (Sponsored by e-Shodh Sindhu)
2) (Internet) → Databases → A TO Z → J-Gate (Sponsored by e-Shodh Sindhu)

Option 2.    If not available in J-Gate
You can request through Article Request