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IIMB Library Blog

Reports from Gartner on Covid

by Rama Patnaik on 2020-07-10T16:07:00+05:30 in COVID-19 | 0 Comments

Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus)

  • Manage Social Distancing and Contact Tracing With Location-Aware Technologies and Devices
  • COVID-19 Workplace Risk Mitigation Technologies for Manufacturing CIOs
  • 9 Predictions for the Post-COVID Future of Work
  • Return to the Workplace: 5 Take-Aways for Cross-Functional Leaders
  • Cool Vendors in Human Capital Management: Modernizing the Workplace With AI and Video
  • How Agile, Digital and Automation Drive the Increase in Nearshore IT and Business Services and What to Do About It
  • How CIOs Can Influence COVID-19 Scenario Planning to Achieve Antifragility
  • Identifying Digital Opportunities During and After the Pandemic
  • Forecast Analysis: Global Recession Scenario

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