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Latest content from Gartner and CEIC databases

by Rama Patnaik on 2021-01-13T13:07:42+05:30 | 0 Comments


Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus) 

  • 2021 CIO Agenda: An Oil and Gas Perspective 
  • COVID-19’s Business and Technology Impact Areas for Life Science CIOs 
  • How Digital Giants and Big-Box Retailers Are Advancing Consumer-Centricity and Virtual Healthcare 
  • Predicts 2021: Digital Workplace Infrastructure and Operations 
  • Predicts 2021: Accelerate Results Beyond RPA to Hyperautomation 
  • Executive Pulse: Leadership Priorities for 2021, Shaped by a Year of Crisis 
  • Security Strategy Planning Best Practices 
  • Predicts 2021: CRM Customer Service and Support 
  • Predicts 2021: Data and Analytics Leaders Are Poised for Success but Risk an Uncertain Future 
  • Gartner’s Top Strategic Predictions for 2021 and Beyond: Resetting Everything 
  • Predicts 2021: Education — Unprecedented Disruption Creates Shifting Landscape 
  • Magic Quadrant for Contact Center as a Service 
  • Infographic: Artificial Intelligence Use Case Prism for the Banking Industry 


New Datasets released under “Indian Premium Database” 

Please log-in CEIC database, then click on links to access the direct page through VPN. Please note, if you are trying to access off-campus, Kindly log-in with remote access credentials then follow-up the steps as mentioned below. 

Automobile Registration Data – Vahan (Ministry of Road Transport and Highways) 


Table IN.RAC001: Number of Registered Motor Vehicles
Table IN.RAC002: Number of Registered Motor Vehicles: by Category Wise
Table IN.RAC003: Number of Registered Motor Vehicles: by Class Wise
Table IN.RAC004: Number of Registered Motor Vehicles: by Fuel Wise
Table IN.RAC005: Number of Motor Vehicle Permits 


Steps: Open the CEIC database>> Login with your registered credentials >>go to ‘Data’ tab from the top menu bar & then click on ‘Databases’ tab >> click on the + sign of ‘Indian Premium Database’ >> then go and click on the  + sign of ‘Automobile Sector’ >> then, click on the + button of ‘Automobile Registrations’ option >> again click on the + sign of the anyone above-mentioned table name>>   mark the required checkboxes, go to the top right panel of the page>> click on the green-colored ‘Download’ button>> select the date range on given option & click on download. 


 Energy Sector 

      + Energy: Electricity Generation 

·        Table IN.RBC001: Electricity Generation: Daily 


Steps: Please go to CEIC database>> Login with your registered credentials >>go to ‘Data’ tab from the top menu bar & then click on ‘Databases’ tab >> click on the + sign of ‘Indian Premium Database’>> then choose and click on the  + sign of ‘Energy Sector’ >> then, click on the + button of ‘Energy: Electricity Generation’  >> again click on the + sign of the ‘Table IN.RBC001: Electricity Generation: Daily >>  mark the required checkboxes, go to the top right panel of the page>> click on the green colored ‘Download’ button>> select the date range on given option & click on download. 


 Energy Sector 

Energy: Electricity Demand and Supply 

Steps: Please go to CEIC database>> Login with your registered credentials >>go to ‘Data’ tab from the top menu bar & then click on ‘Databases’ tab >> click on the + sign of ‘Indian Premium Database’ >> then go and click on the  + sign of ‘Energy Sector’ >> then, click on the + button of ‘Energy: Electricity Demand and Supply’ option >> again click on the + sign of the ‘Table IN.RBE001: Electricity: Power Supply Position: Daily: by Region’  or Table IN.RBE002: Electricity: Power Supply Position: Daily: by States>>  mark the required checkboxes, go to the top right panel of the page>> click on the green colored ‘Download’ button>> select the date range on given option & click on download. 

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