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Latest reports from Gartner

by Rama Patnaik on 2020-11-03T14:03:00+05:30 in COVID-19 | 0 Comments


 Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus)    


  • The Future of ERP Is Composable 
  • When to Choose a Line-of-Business Analytic Application 
  • Define Sustainability and Leverage Materiality to Drive More Effective Strategy 
  • Cool Vendors in Conversational AI Platforms 
  • What Proven Approaches Can CEOs Apply to Accelerate Digital Business, Post-COVID-19? 
  • 10 Things COVID-19 Will Change in Digital Commerce  
  • An I&O Organizational Structure for Midsize Enterprises to Drive Digital Transformation  
  • COVID-19’s Business and Technology Impact Areas for U.S. Healthcare Payer CIOs  
  • Enable BYOPC for Business Continuity While Managing Risk  
  • Executive Pulse: As Demand for Remote-Work Tech Stabilizes, IT Speeds Up advanced Digital Projects  
  • Executive Summary Video: Prevention or Reaction: Using Technology to Control COVID-19  
  • Implement an Agile Cybersecurity Program: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic  
  • Lasting Redeployment Lessons From the COVID-19 Crisis  
  • Measure the ‘Predictors of Productivity’ in a Hybrid Workplace (Remote + On-Site)  
  • Pandemic Recovery: Key Sales Roles and Technology Impacts for B2B Sales  
  • Protect Your Cash From the COVID-19 Pandemic  
  • Recast Your Cybersecurity Roadmap to Aid Organizational Recovery in 4 Steps  



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