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Impact of COVID 19 on Global Economic/ Market/ Consumer/ Technology:

by Rama Patnaik on 2020-07-07T13:02:00+05:30 in COVID-19 | 0 Comments



Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus)

  • Global Economic Impact Report: G20 Market impact, G20 Risk impact, Emerging Market impact, EM risk impact & Credit Market impact sheet (Source-Eikon)

Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus)

  • How Is COVID-19 Affecting the Top 10 Global Consumer Trends 2020? (Source-Passport Euromonitor)
  • New Business Models: Reaching Consumers During Coronavirus (Source-Passport Euromonitor)

Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus)

  • The Future of 5G Technology could advance global economy and society after COVID-19 (Source ‘Marketline’ Case Study)
  • Sharing Economy Uber will be a survivor after COVID-19 (Source ‘Marketline’-Analyst Insight)

Click here for Full Report (Use Remote Access if you are Off-Campus)

  • COVID-19 highlights a role for functional foods in combatting anxiety (Source- ‘WARC’)
  • For Mars, COVID highlights the need for ‘ground-up’ digital transformation (Source- ‘WARC’)
  • Mapping a perfect storm: The impact of COVID-19 on Asia’s media landscape (Source- ‘WARC’)

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