IiAS Adrian:
Adrian is a cloud-based analytical tool, a data repository of over 62,000+ resolutions of 1,000+ companies representing 96% of the market cap of the Indian listed companies. It provides historical data on how institutional investors voted on various resolution categories. It also covers notices of over 10,500+ shareholder meetings over eight years, Investor, and company-wise voting data, and tracks corporate action, market trends, and peer group strategies.
Campus Link: https://www.iiasadrian.com/account/login/
Remote Link: http://www.iiasadrian.com.iimb.remotexs.in/account/login/
Access: Five Con-current users
PRIME Database:
Campus Link: http://primedatabase.com/
Remote Link: http://primedatabase.com.iimb.remotexs.in/