Bloomberg provides access to SEC filings such as 10K, 10Q & Proxies etc.
Type the company name/company ticker symbol >> click on ‘Equity’ >> then ‘CF’ >> click on ‘GO’.
Note: “Bloomberg Anywhere” can be accessed remotely, please write to Aishwarya Krishna (email: to get the access.
It provides access to filings such as 8K, 10K, 10Q and Proxies.
Please type company name in search box and select from the listed results >> click on ‘filings’ >> click on excel icon from the left corner to download the file.
Factiva covers regulatory filing data like 6K, 8K, 10k, 10Q etc.
Please go to Companies/Markets tab >> Choose Company name & type company name in search box >> click on any company from listed results (e.g. Siemens AG) >> click on ‘Regulatory Filings’ >> click on pdf to download the data as per your requirement
It covers 102000+ companies' information like profile & overview, product & services, company statement, Key locations & subsidiaries, key employees, history, swot analysis, research reports deals etc.
Please go to Companies tab >> Please select company name from drop-down box and type Company name in the search box, tick mark on ‘exact word’ check box then click on search icon>> now click on company from listed results and choose Profile from left side and select the parameters to download the data as per your requirement.
Nexis UNI
It covers data on SEC fillings like recent SEC filings, latest 10 Q & 10K fillings etc..
Please select ‘Company Dossier’ by clicking ‘Menu’ on top >> type company name in the search box >> select company from listed results >> Click on ‘SEC filings’ from left panel >> select the options which you are looking for (e.g., Recent SEC filings) >> select the check boxes and click on download symbol to download report.
It provides real-time and historical SEC EDGAR filings, foreign exchange filings etc.
Type Company name in search box >> click on ‘Filings’ >> Filter the years & other detail from left panel >> click on excel icon from right top to download the data as per your requirement.
Or go to My Apps ->> Search tools ->> Advanced search tools ->> filings >>Type the company name, filter the years & other detail >> click on excel icon from right top to download the data.
Note: Please reach out to for data requirement.