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Company Information: ESG

Company Information

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ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)

It covers ESG data on companies like carbon emissions, water polluted emissions, Environmental Expenditures, ESG scores, ESG reporting score, ESG score grade etc.
Type Company name in search box and search >> click on ‘ESG’ >> click on excel icon from right top to download the data.
Note: Please reach out to for data requirement.

Factiva provides articles on the ESG like climate change, energy & fuel management, deforestation, minerals, ocean fisheries, wastewater etc.
Please click on ‘Search Builder’ from search on top >> click on Company on the left panel >> type company name and select from listed results >> click on ‘company’ option again to come back in the page >> now click on ‘factiva Expert Search’ >> click again ‘ESG/Investment Stewardship’ >> choose the available parameter >> click on ‘Search’ button from right panel >> now refine your search again and click on check box and download symbol to download the file.