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Datasets-DB: EPWRF India Time series

EPWRF India Time series

( These datasets are licensed for use by the IIMB Community only. )



Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation includes a long-term data series online for twenty-one modules covering a wide range of macro-economic and financial sectors. It also covers economic and market reviews, financial market reviews, money market reviews, theme articles, and papers on economic/financial market indicators. Modules are National Accounts Statistics of India, Domestic Product of States of India, Price Indices, Agricultural Statistics, Agricultural Wages in India, Wage Rates in Rural India, Annual Survey of Industries, Industrial Production Series, Mineral Statistics, Statistics of Mines, Power Sector Statistics, External Sector Statistics, Monetary Statistics, Financial Markets, Banking Statistics, Insurance Statistics, Finances of the Government of India, Finances of State Governments, Combined Government Finances, Health Statistics, Educational Statistics.