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Datasets-DB: CEIC


( These datasets are licensed for use by the IIMB Community only. )



India Premium Database covers the most comprehensive and in-depth India-specific time series data, dating back to 1951 and other economic sector data series. With over 5,15,000 time series across 18 economic topics and 15 industry sectors, the India Premium Database contains resource for analysts, investors, and strategists, to assess and run analytical models on the Indian economy. This database offers an expansive range of national and subnational variables with varying frequencies. Some key highlights are:

  1. National accounts data covers nation, state, and district data
  2. National and state government Budget data and with respective monthly finance data
  3. Comprehensive multi-tier data on the performance of trade, international payment, and investment
  4. Detailed trade data covers both Principal commodities and HS classification
  5. Detailed retail and wholesale commodities data at city level on a daily and monthly frequency
  6. A unique business, economic, and household survey
  7. Detailed weather, irrigation statistics, and agriculture sector and its linkages.
  8. GDP Nowcast for India, a proprietary dataset designed by CEIC Insights, aimed at anticipating GDP growth on a real-time basis.
  9. Government and Public Finance information, helping you summarize the fiscal situation at a country level and by state
  10. Debt and mutual fund market to ascertain the health of the securities, besides getting an aggregate view of the financial markets
  11. 15 key sectors of the country with highlights being Energy, Tourism, Transportation, Banking, Agriculture, Mining and Manufacturing
  12. Survey Data from RBI on consumer confidence, household survey, Business, and Economic survey
  13. Payroll statistics from EPFO
  14. Automobile Registrations Data on Monthly and Weekly frequency from Govt source: Vaahan under Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. The data is available at the state level – Category wise, Class wise and Fuel wise