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Markets & Industry Information: Company within Industry

Markets & Industry Information

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Company within Industry

Crisil Research
It provides information on company profiles & peer comparison at industry level.
Please log-in with your registered credentials >> go to Industry >> Click on Consumer Foods under Food & beverages >> Choose profiles & peers >> click on profiles >> click on Pdf generator from left side icon to download the file.
Dion Insight
Key ratios of companies are available based on the industry type.
Please go to Research tab >> Click on “Select Industry” >> Type Industry name or select Industry from Industry Fundamentals >> click on ‘Industry Aggregates” >> click on ‘Ratio’ >> click on excel to download the file.
EMIS Intelligence-Asia service
EMIS provides list of companies for the selected industry.
Client log-in to EMIS >> click on Industries tab >> Type industry name in the search box >> click on ‘Companies in industry’ >> filter countries and click on industry link to download the data.
It provides the list of companies under industry which covers, no. of employees, headquarters & annual revenue.
Please go to Sector’s tab >> Choose any one Industry sector >> click on content type from left panel >> Select ‘companies’ >> click on ‘show results’ >> click on ‘view all companies’ >> click on ‘export’ from top right to download the data.
Orbis provides the list of companies within the industry with detail like operating revenue, no of employees for the last four years. The company list can be filtered further country-wise.
Click on Activities and Industry from home page >> Click on Industry Classification >> Select Industries >> click on ‘Go’ >> click on entities >>Click on financial company >> Click on Ok >> click on ‘view results’ >> click on top to download.