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Publisher List: E- Books Alphabetical list


E-Books Alphabetical list

  • A Course in Public Economics
  • A Lawyer's Handbook for Enforcing Foreign Judgments in the United States and Abroad
  • A Theory of Case-Based Decisions
  • A Theory of Economic Growth
  • Advances in Accounting
  • Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research
  • Advances in Agricultural Economic History
  • Advances in Applied Business Strategy
  • Advances in Applied Microeconomics
  • Advances in Appreciative Inquiry
  • Advances in Austrian Economics
  • Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing
  • Advances in Econometrics
  • Advances in Economics and Econometrics vol 1
  • Advances in Economics and Econometrics vol 2
  • Advances in Economics and Econometrics vol 3
  • Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and growth
  • Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management
  • Advances in Financial Economics
  • Advances in Global Leadership
  • Advances in Group Processes
  • Advances in Health Care Management
  • Advances in Human Performance and Cognitive Engineering Research
  • Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations
  • Advances in Interdisciplinary Studies of Work Teams
  • Advances in International Accounting
  • Advances in International Management
  • Advances in International Marketing
  • Advances in Management Accounting
  • Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions
  • Advances in Public Interest Accounting
  • Advances in Strategic Management
  • Advances in Taxation
  • Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms
  • Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources
  • Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Economic Growth
  • Advanced R
  • Age in the Welfare State
  • Allocation in the European Emissions Trading Scheme
  • Alternatives for Welfare Policy
  • Altruism and Beyond
  • Analysis of Panel Data
  • Analysis of Panel Data 2ed
  • Analysis of Panels and Limited Dependent Variable Models
  • Applied Choice Analysis
  • Applied Environmental Economics
  • Applied Time Series Econometrics
  • Appointing Central Bankers
  • Auctioning Public Assets
  • Becoming a Lean Library
  • Benefit-Cost Analysis
  • Biodiversity, Sustainability and Human Communities
  • Building a Dynamic Europe
  • Cambridge Handbook of Strategy as Practice
  • Capitalism, Democracy, and Welfare
  • Capitalist Development in the Twentieth Century
  • Changing Boundaries of the Political: Essays on the Evolving Balance between the State and Society, Public and Private in Europe
  • Charging Ahead
  • China and the World Trading System
  • China in the World Market
  • China's Path to Innovation
  • Coalitions and competition
  • Computation and Complexity in Economic Behavior and Organization
  • Conflict of Norms in Public International Law
  • Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis
  • Counting on Marilyn Waring
  • Crisis and Innovation in Asian Technology
  • Crony Capitalism
  • Data Envelopment Analysis
  • Democratic Politics and Economic Reform in India
  • Designing Economic Mechanisms
  • Designing Inclusion
  • Development Economics in the Twenty-first Century
  • Digital Detachment
  • Discrete Choice Methods with Simulation
  • Domain Conditions in Social Choice Theory
  • Don't Call It Sprawl
  • Drug War Heresies
  • E-Governance
  • Econometrics in a Formal Science of Economics
  • Economic Analysis, Moral Philosophy and Public Policy 2ed
  • Economic Autonomy and Democracy
  • Economic Concepts for the Social Sciences
  • Economic Growth and Macroeconomic Dynamics
  • Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy
  • Economic Policy in the Age of Globalisation
  • Economic Policy in the International Economy
  • Economic Principles of Law
  • Economic Systems of Foraging, Agricultural, and Industrial Societies
  • Economic Theory and Global Warming
  • Economic Theory and Its History
  • Economics and Language
  • Economics and the Theory of Games
  • Emerging Market Multinationals
  • Emissions Trading for Climate Policy
  • Empirical Modeling in Economics
  • Entertainment Industry Economics
  • Essays in Econometrics vol 1
  • Essays in Econometrics vol 2
  • Estimating Market Power and Strategies
  • Ethics and Diversity In Business Management Education
  • Ethics out of Economics
  • Europe after Enlargement
  • Evaluation of The Benefits and Value of Libraries
  • Evolving Financial Markets and International Capital Flows
  • Fact and Fiction in Economics
  • Federalism and Economic Reform
  • Finance Capitalism and Germany's Rise to Industrial Power
  • Finance, Intermediaries, and Economic Development
  • Financial Integration in East Asia
  • Foundations for a Disequilibrium Theory of the Business Cycle
  • Frontiers in Applied General Equilibrium Modeling
  • Gambling in America
  • Generational Income Mobility in North America and Europe
  • Global Competitive Strategy
  • Global Collective Action
  • Governing the Firm
  • Greening the Firm
  • Group Formation in Economics
  • Growing Public vol 1
  • Growing Public vol 2
  • Handbook of Agricultural Economics, 1A
  • Handbook of Agricultural Economics, 1B
  • Handbook of Agricultural Economics, 2A
  • Handbook of Agricultural Economics, 2B
  • Handbook of Agricultural Economics, 3
  • Handbook of Agricultural Economics, 4
  • Handbook of Computational Economics, 1
  • Handbook of Computational Economics, 2
  • Handbook of Defense Economics , 1
  • Handbook of Defense Economics, 2
  • Handbook of Development Economics, 3A
  • Handbook of Development Economics, 3B
  • Handbook of Development Economics, 4
  • Handbook of Econometrics, 5
  • Handbook of Econometrics, 6A
  • Handbook of Econometrics, 6B
  • Handbook of Economic Forecasting, 1
  • Handbook of Economic Forecasting 2 Vols
  • Handbook of Economic Growth, 1A
  • Handbook of Economic Growth, 1B
  • Handbook of Environmental Economics, 1
  • Handbook of Environmental Economics, 2
  • Handbook of Environmental Economics, 3
  • Handbook of Game Theory with Economic Applications, 3
  • Handbook of Health Economics, 1A
  • Handbook of Health Economics, 1B
  • Handbook of Income Distribution, 1
  • Handbook of Income Distribution 2 Vols
  • Handbook of Industrial Organization, 1
  • Handbook of Labor Economics, 1
  • Handbook of Labor Economics, 2
  • Handbook of Labor Economics, 3A
  • Handbook of Law and Economics, 1
  • Handbook of Law and Economics, 2
  • Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1A
  • Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1B
  • Handbook of Macroeconomics, 1C
  • Handbook of Population and Family Economics, 1A
  • Handbook of Population and Family Economics, 1B
  • Handbook of Procurement
  • Handbook of Public Economics, 3
  • Handbook of Public Economics, 4
  • Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 3
  • Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 4
  • Handbook of Social Choice and Welfare
  • Handbook of the Economics of Art and Culture, 1
  • Handbook of the Economics of Education, 1
  • Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2
  • Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 1A
  • Handbook of the Economics of Finance, 1B
  • Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity, 1
  • Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity, 2
  • How Capitalism Was Built
  • How to Argue with an Economist
  • Human Capital
  • Identification and Inference for Econometric Models
  • Imagined Economies
  • Immigration and the Transformation of Europe
  • Imperfect Knowledge and Monetary Policy
  • India: Preparation For The World of Work
  • India Working
  • India’S Foreign Relations, 1947–2007
  • Informality and Monetary Policy in Japan
  • Information Efficiency in Financial and Betting Markets
  • Institutional Work
  • Intellectual Property
  • Internal Labour Markets in Japan
  • International Commercial Arbitration and African States
  • International Competition Law
  • International Finance Review
  • International Financial Governance under Stress
  • International Organizations and the Analysis of Economic Policy, 1919-1950
  • International Public Goods and Transfer of Technology Under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime
  • International Research in the Business Disciplines
  • International Sales Law
  • Internet and Digital Economics
  • Introduction to the Mathematical and Statistical Foundations of Econometrics
  • Islam and the Moral Economy
  • Japanese Exports and Foreign Direct Investment
  • Japan's Economic Dilemma
  • Key Issues in WTO Dispute Settlement
  • Knowledge Accumulation and Industry Evolution
  • Knowledge and Competitive Advantage
  • Korea's Democratization
  • Labour Market Reform in China
  • Law in the Service of Human Dignity
  • Macroeconomics in Emerging Markets
  • Macrojustice
  • Market Structure and Competition Policy
  • Marriage and the Economy
  • Masters of Illusion
  • Max Weber's Economic Ethic of the World Religions
  • Measuring Efficiency in Health Care
  • Modeling Aggregate Behavior and Fluctuations in Economics
  • Modeling Monetary Economies 2ed
  • Managing Change and People In Libraries
  • Managing The Reality of Virtual Organizations
  • Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
  • Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area
  • Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policies and Labour Markets
  • Monetary Theory and Bretton Woods
  • Monetary Transmission in Diverse Economies
  • Money and the Natural Rate of Unemployment
  • Money Laundering
  • Multilevel Modelling Using R
  • Multinational Service Firms
  • Multinational Enterprise and Economic Analysis
  • Natural Gas and Geopolitics
  • Natural Resources and Economic Development
  • New Frontiers in Economics
  • Nonlinear Dynamics
  • Non-Linear Time Series Models in Empirical Finance
  • Open Economy Macroeconomics
  • Options for Global Trade Reform
  • Perspectives on Innovation
  • Pharmaceutical Innovation
  • Post Keynesian Price Theory
  • Post Walrasian Macroeconomics
  • Postwar Migration in Southern Europe, 1950â?"2000
  • Poverty, Work, and Freedom
  • Principles and Practice of Social Marketing: An International Perspective
  • Principles of Transnational Civil Procedure
  • Probability Theory and Statistical Inference
  • Probability, Econometrics and Truth
  • Problem Solving in Organizations
  • Productivity Growth, Inflation, and Unemployment
  • Quantile Regression
  • R For Marketing Research and Analytics Christopher N Chapman
  • Rational Extremism
  • Rational Herds
  • Regression for Categorical Data
  • Regulation and Entry into Telecommunications Markets
  • Research in Economic Anthropology
  • Research in Economic History
  • Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations
  • Research in Experimental Economics
  • Research in Finance
  • Research in Global Strategic Management
  • Research in Human Capital and Development
  • Research in Labor Economics
  • Research in Law and Economics
  • Research in Middle East Economics
  • Research in Multi Level Issues
  • Research in Occupational Stress and Well-being
  • Research in Organizational Behavior
  • Research in Organizational Change and Development
  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
  • Research in Political Economy
  • Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management
  • Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
  • Research in the Sociology of Organizations
  • Research on Economic Inequality
  • Research on Managing Groups and Teams
  • Research on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy
  • Reshaping National Intelligence for an Age of Information
  • Resource Book on TRIPS and Development
  • Rethinking Pension Reform
  • Russia in the 21st Century
  • Russia's Economic Transitions
  • Sectoral Systems of Innovation
  • Semiparametric Regression for the Applied Econometrician
  • Simplicity, Inference and Modeling
  • Solutions for the World's Biggest Problems
  • Standards and Public Policy
  • State-Directed Development
  • Statistics, Econometrics and Forecasting
  • Stochastic Optimization in Continuous Time
  • Strategic Alliances as Social Facts: Business, Biotechnology, and Intellectual History
  • Strategic Foundations of General Equilibrium
  • Sustainable Fossil Fuels
  • T. R. Malthus vol 2
  • Taxes, Spending, and the U.S. Government's March Towards Bankruptcy
  • Taxing Corporate Income in the 21st Century
  • The Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union
  • The Changing Face of Central Banking
  • The Divergent Dynamics of Economic Growth
  • The Dynamics of Deforestation and Economic Growth in the Brazilian Amazon
  • The Dynamics of Keynesian Monetary Growth
  • The Econometric Modeling of Financial Time Series 2ed
  • The Economic Geography of Innovation
  • The Economic Implications of Aging Societies
  • The Economic Organization of the Household
  • The Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets
  • The Economics of Art and Culture 2ed
  • The Economics of Contracts
  • The Economics of Education
  • The Economics of Europe and the European Union
  • The Economics of Exchange Rates
  • The Economics of Football
  • The Economics of Information Technology
  • The Economics of Input-Output Analysis
  • The Economics of Mobile Telecommunications
  • The Economics of Network Industries 2ed
  • The Economics of Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship
  • The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy
  • The Evolution of Economies
  • The Evolutionary Foundations of Economics
  • The External Dimension of the Euro Area
  • The Future of the American Labor Movement
  • The Globalization of Business
  • The Hindu Family and the Emergence of Modern India
  • The IMF and its Critics
  • The Institutional Economics of Corruption and Reform
  • The Institutional Economics of Foreign Aid
  • The Internet Power and Society
  • The Laws of Globalization and Business Applications
  • The Law and Economics of Marriage and Divorce
  • The Limits of Leviathan
  • The Making of the Chinese Industrial Workplace
  • The Methodology of Empirical Macroeconomics
  • The Monetary Theory of Production
  • The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect
  • The New Law and Economic Development
  • The Open Economy and its Enemies
  • The Oxford Handbook of Diversity and Work
  • The Oxford Handbook of Leader-Member Exchange
  • The Oxford Handbook of Personnel Assessment and Selection
  • The Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960?2000
  • The Political Economy of International Trade Law
  • The Political Economy of Power Sector Reform
  • The Political Economy of Stalinism
  • The Political Economy of Terrorism
  • The Political Economy of the Welfare State in Latin America
  • The Refinement of Econometric Estimation and Test Procedures
  • The Regulation of International Financial Markets
  • The Reluctant Economist
  • The Role of Social Capital in Development
  • The Self and its Emotions
  • The Shadow Economy
  • The Structural Econometric Time Series Analysis Approach
  • The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics
  • The Trading World of Asia and the English East India Company
  • The United States since 1980
  • The VAT in Developing and Transitional Countries
  • The Wealth of Ideas
  • The WTO Case Law of 2001
  • The WTO Case Law of 2002
  • The WTO Case Law of 2003
  • The World That Trade Created
  • Theory of Public Finance in a Federal State
  • Thinking about Inequality
  • Trade and Industrial Policy under International Oligopoly
  • Trade Policy in Developing Countries
  • Trade, Exchange Rate, and Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Underdevelopment
  • Understanding Sponsored Search
  • Value Added Tax
  • Walrasian Economics
  • Wassily Leontief and Input-Output Economics
  • Welfare, Choice and Solidarity in Transition
  • Work and Pay in Japan