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Libguide for Faculty: Curriculum Support

Libguide for Faculty


Scheduling Library Instructions / Orientation sessions

  • We need two week notice period for a session in the library
  • Shorter and frequent sessions are preferred by students
  • A copy of project summaries may be helpful for an impactful session

(i) Foundational

The foundational sessions will introduce to the students:

  • Navigating the library website
  • Discovering and exploring print and online content
  • Familiarizing with searching platform such as
    • Online Public Access Catalogue
    • Single Search Platform
    • Quick Finder
    • Full-Text Finder
    • E-book Platforms
  • At the end of this session students will be able to learn how to search and locate
    • Books
    • E-books
    • Databases
    • Journals
    • Magazines
    • AV resources

(ii)Business Information Research

Students should be able to:

  • Comprehend characteristics of information sources and their availability
  • Understand access and refine the search strategies
  • Evaluate the information for authenticity and completeness
  • Attribution to resources

(iii) Company Research

Students should be able to:

  • Locate, discover, review the information from listed and unlisted companies
  • Identify the sources with preferred variables, annual reports, and profiles

Click here for the Company Research guide

(iv) Industry Research

Students should be able to:

  • Recognize the classification and sources from subscribed database
  • Identify market share, outlook, and overview
  • Search information from relevant journals, magazines etc.

Click here for the Industry Research guide

(v) Market Research

Students should be able to:

  • identify appropriate target market populations
  • locate demographic data
  • estimate market size
  • identify best channels for selling products or services

Click here for the Market Research guide

(vi) Country Research

Students should be able to:

  • Locate macro-economic indicators from  country information related database
  • Evaluate, synthesize, and review country related data with major demography, trade, and international business

Click here for the Country Research guide

Borrowing privileges for faculty are :


Item Type

Check out limit

Loan Period (Days)

Fine Per Day (Rs.)

Online Renewal Allowed



6 months



AV Resources


3 days



Resource guide URL for locating books and  Placing items on reserve 


Registering as premium educator:

Click here

Programs covered as per HBSP site licence under Flat Annual Fee:


  • PGP &PGP BA-First Year
  • PGP &PGP BA-Second Year
  • PGPEM- First Year
  • PGPEM- Second Year
  • EPGP
Executive Education:
  • Open Enrolment Program
  • Company Specific Program

HBS: Copyright Policy

  •  Access to master copies of and/or links to HBSP materials through HBSP's single-click service and will, in turn, distribute these copies to its duly enrolled students in print format. (Electronic distribution of HBSP materials are discussed in point.5)
  • Electronic distribution of SingleClick links is not permitted.
  • Institution may use electronic masters only for the production of course materials during the term.
  • Electronic redistribution of protected or unprotected content files is not permitted.
  • Electronic Distribution: The institution will ensure that electronic Materials are only available to students registered under this site license agreement. These materials are only accessible through the Institution's password-protected course environment and cannot be accessed, emailed, or distributed through any other method.

Materials Included in the site license agreement of HBSP

  • Unrestricted individual Harvard Business School and Ivey publishing printed Cases and Notes
  • Harvard Business Review reprints, including HBR Article Collections
  • All HBSP Newsletter reprints
  • HBS Press standalone book chapters*
  • HBSP Brief Cases
  • HBS Color Case items**
  • HBS Case Videos***
  • HBS Multimedia Cases***
  • Ivey for programs except - EPGP

Materials excluded

  • HBS Restricted Case items
  • HBS Case Teaching Notes
  • Third-party case collections and article collections distributed by HBSP
  • Core Curriculum

Institute has signed a contract with Indian Reprographic Rights Organization (IRRO) for the use of scanned/copies of book chapters. Details are given below.

  1. The licensee (IIMB) must own an original/lawfully purchased or copyright fee-paid copy of any licensed material it copies or scans under the terms and conditions of the license.
  2. The licensee (IIMB) cannot copy more than 15% or 1 (one) chapter of any publication per year whichever is the greater
  3. This license does not authorize making of copies, reproduction, dissemination, publication, communication or making available to the public, selling, offering for sale, exporting, repackaging or distribution, in any form including by way of digital copies herein.
  4. Reproduction from personal copies of books is not permitted for classroom use.

All authors, whether they are a faculty member publishing a monograph, a grant funded researcher publishing a scholarly article, or a graduate student writing a dissertation, need to be familiar with the basic concepts of copyright and have an awareness of the options for publishing, posting, archiving, and distributing their scholarship.
  1. Negotiate with the publishers to retain explicit ownership of your own content.
  2. Transfer, via an author addendum, to the publisher only those rights needed for publication.
  3. Specify other rights of specific value to you or the institution

Accordingly, authors should take care to assign the rights to their work in a manner that permits them and their students and colleagues to use their work in teaching, research, and other purposes. Publishers only need the right of first publication, not a wholesale transfer of copyright. So, a compromise is often desirable, which authors can accomplish through an appropriate addendum.

The five basic rights for copyright holder are:
• Right to Reproduce
• Right to prepare derivative work
• Right to distribute
• Right to display public (for artistic work)
• Right to perform public (for musical & dramatic work)

What could we loose if we sign away our rights:
• The right to use our work in a course pack.
• Putting copies on print or electronic reserves.
• Put a copy on our website.
• Deposit a copy in institutional repository.
• Distribute a copy to colleagues.

SHERPA/RoMEO collects information about publisher policies related to online sharing (“archiving”) of works published in most journals. Journals and publishers are classified according to a color scheme that relate to the archive rights that authors retain. Authors are encouraged to research the policies of journals they have published in or are considering submitting a manuscript to ascertain what rights in that work they will retain. Authors who wish to publish a copy of their articles will want to look for journals classified as green or blue, then check on any additional restrictions.

The Creative Commons organization was founded in 2001 as a means of permitting creators to license their work for public use under conditions they specify. Although not an alternative to copyright and not an indication that a work is part of the public domain, Creative Commons licenses permit the holders of copyright to define more clearly, than perhaps modern copyright law interpretation allows, how their works may be used and give users of copyrighted works greater creative freedom when they know, without question, how copyrighted works can be incorporated into new creations.


There are three primary version of manuscript when detailing the archive or deposit rights retained by the author: The Pre-Print, The Post- Print and The Publisher version.

Pre-print – A pre-print is the original version of the manuscript as it is submitted to a journal. While the authors may have sought help from their colleagues in selecting data analysis techniques, improving manuscript clarity, and correcting grammar, the pre-print has not been through a process of peer review. It typically looks like a term paper – a double spaced .doc file with minimal formatting.

Post-print – A post-print is a document that has been through the peer review process and incorporated reviewers’ comments. It is the final version of the paper before it is sent off the journal for publication. It may be missing a final copyedit (if the journal still does that) and won’t be formatted to look like the journal. It still looks like the double spaced .doc file. Sometimes, the term “pre-print” is used interchangeably with “post-print,” but when it comes to permissions issues, it is important to clarify which version of a manuscript is being discussed.

Publishers’ version/PDF – This is the version of record that is published on the publisher’s website. It will look quite spiffy, having been professionally typeset by the publisher. Library databases will link to this version of the paper.

  • SPARC is an international alliance of academic and research libraries working to proliferate the ideals of open access publishing.
  • SPARC Author's Addendum allows an author to modify a copyright agreement, retaining some rights.
  • Creative Commons provides six free licenses to help authors control copyright.
  • Check list from Creative Commons and FAQ to make sure your work is copyrightable and that you understand how a CC license operates.
  • Sherpa/Romeo is a searchable database of publishers' policies.
  • Sherpa/Juliet is a searchable database of grant funders' policy requirements for authors funded by grant awards.
  • Copyright Clearing Center search for and obtain permission to use and share copyrighted content.
  • Fair Use evaluator tool helps you better understand how to determine the "fairness" of a use under the U.S. Copyright Code.
  • Public Domain Tools from Creative Commons enables copyright owners to dedicate their work to worldwide public domain.
Access to electronic resources, including databases, datasets, e-Journals, and eBooks are subject to the Copyright Act and terms and conditions that are mentioned in the license agreements signed with IIMB for non-profit, academic use. This includes learning, teaching and research.

Link to Resource Guides: