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National Sample Survey Office: NSSO - Profile

National Sample Survey Office Datasets Profiles

( These datasets are licensed for use by the IIMB Community only. )



NSSO to have total responsibility for primary data collection
It is mentioned that under continuing globalization and liberalization of the Indian economy and to meet international Special Data Dissemination Standards, the Government of India would need reliable and timely statistical information on a much larger scale than before. And, for this, the NSSO having the requisite technical capability and experience should take up the total responsibility for the collection of all the required primary data through large-scale sample surveys – including the work of design, data processing, and publication.

The annual program of the NSSO

The Expert Committee has recommended an annual program for the NSSO having three components viz. Standard Annual Program, Special Program, and Methodological Studies. It is recommended to allocate resources to the three components in a fixed proportion, say, 60: 25: 15.

Under Standard Annual Program, it is recommended that surveys should be conducted every year on Consumer Expenditure, Employment-Unemployment, Enterprises (organized manufacture, unorganized manufacture, informal sector), Prices, Agriculture (area under crops, crop yield – forecast and post-harvest), Sampling Frame Surveys (urban blocks, large villages) and Register of Large Enterprises (one-time benchmark survey and annual revision).

Under the Special Program, surveys at larger intervals on other important topics are recommended. Some suggested topics are (i) Housing, Slum, Disability, Aged persons, Landholding, Debt and Investment, Social consumption, tribal society, Jhum cultivation, Gender discrimination, Surface transport, etc. – once in ten years; (ii) Environmental pollution, Literacy, Tourism, etc. – once in five years; and (iii) Natural calamity, Other disasters, Surveys for legislative purposes, etc. – at short notice.

In addition, regular Methodological Studies on topics like Sampling Design, Estimation Procedures, Survey practice, and Data processing are suggested to resolve practical problems that arise in conducting large-scale sample surveys in India.

IIMB library has the data from 1983 to 2016 (38 to 73 rounds). NSSO round covers socio-economic statistical data about India like Employment and Unemployment, housing condition, domestic tourism, Drinking water, sanitation, Land and livestock holdings, Social consumption, health, Domestic tourism expenditure, Labour Force, Construction, Industries, Manufacture, etc.

The library has 38 to 73 Round, 1983 to 2016. These data are available can be downloaded in HTML, XML, doc, and pdf formats through the CD-Mirroring Platform.     

Now can download the data freely following link

Guide to Access (to be added)

Guidelines for Statistical Data Dissemination (GSDD), February 2019

OM-Online Microdata Dissemination Census / Survey conducted by MOSPI

Guide to download Microdata

Copyright Compliance


National Policy on Dissemination of Statistical data

Policy Guidelines for using materials from published NSS reports

For accessing the data, please send an email to the

Note: Faculty and FPM scholar may copy the data in their hard disk after sign copyright declaration form