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ICSSR and MOSPI Datasets: How to download datasets from ICSSR

How to download datasets from ICSSR

  1. Please visit the ICSSR website
  2. Select the module “Data service” on the right side. It will direct you to the ICSSR data service page (


      3. Select the registration link from the footer under “Useful Links.”



     4. Please provide your personal and organizational details on the preferred columns and upload a scanned copy (It should be JPG format, Maximum size is 100 KB) of any ID proof. 


5. Once you provided the details, you will receive your registration details on your registered email ID, including your username and password.

Thank you for registering with ICSSR Data Service: Social Science Data Repository website.
You are successfully registered. You will receive an activation email once your registered account will be verified. You need to click on the activation link to activate your account. Please use the following credentials after activation.
Your Credential is:

Username/Email: ***************

Password: ******************