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Journals: OB & HRM


Title E-ISSN Enumeration Availability Subject Vendor
Acta Archaeologica 1532-1096 Vol.90, Iss.247-250, Feb 2017 1990-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Agricultural Economics 1467-6494 Vol.24, Iss.1-2, Jan/Apr 2017 1932-2017 Personality development Wiley_Custom
Anthropology of Consciousness 1468-005X Vol.2017, Iss.153-156, Spring 2017 1986-2017 Technology Management Wiley_Custom
Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy 1758-0854 Vol. 37, Iss.1-2, Jul 2016 2009-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Centaurus 1930-8272 Vol.32, Iss.1, Apr 2017 1962-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
International Labour Review 1932-863X Vol.36, Iss.1, Feb 2017 2007-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 1464-0597 Vol.28, Iss.1-2, Spring 2017 1952-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Negotiation Journal 1744-6570 Vol.42, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1948-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
North American Dialogue 1099-0720 Vol.41, Iss.1-2, Jun 2016 1987-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Orbis Litterarum 1467-8691 Vol.25, Iss.1-6, Jan  2017 1992-2017 Innovation Wiley_Custom
Population and Development Review 1099-1379 Vol.49, Iss.1, Feb 2017 1981-2017 Organizational Behaviour Wiley_Custom
Revista Internacional del Trabajo 1467-9310 Vol.15, Iss.1, Feb 2017 1970-2017 Management Wiley_Custom
Revue Internationale du Travail 1475-6811 Vol.96, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1994-2017 Social Psychology Wiley_Custom
Significance 1099-050X Vol.102, Iss.349-353, Jan 2017 1961-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Sociological Forum 1748-8583 Vol.56, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1990-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Studies In Family Planning 1937-8327 Vol.98, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1988-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
The Latin Americanist 1467-8543 Vol.56, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1963-2017 Industrial Relations Wiley_Custom
American Business Law Journal 1742-9536 Vol.27, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1949-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 2161-1912 Vol.54, Iss.1, Jan 2017 1972-2017 Developmental Psychology Wiley_Custom
Asian Economic Policy Review 2325-8640 Vol.34, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 2005-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Australian Journal of Psychology 2044-8287 Vol.43, Iss.1-6, Feb 2016 1996-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Australian Psychologist 1097-4679 Vol.30, Iss.1-6, Jan 2017 1945-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 1469-7610 Vol.56, Iss.1, Mar 2017 1960-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
China and World Economy 1468-2850 Vol.25, Iss.1-6, Jan/Feb 2017 1994-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Clinical Psychologist 1750-4716 Vol.106, Iss.1-4, Spring 2017 2008-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Criminology 2044-8279 Vol.33, Iss.S5, Jan 2017 1931-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Criminology and Public Policy 1556-7567 Vol.20, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 2005-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Dialectica 2041-8426 Vol.98, Iss.1-4, Mar 2016 2010-2016 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 1099-0771 Vol.17, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1988-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Educational Theory 1468-2419 Vol.52, Iss.1-6, Feb 2017 1997-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
EuroChoices 2044-835X Vol.31, Iss.1, Jan 2017 1983-2017 Developmental Psychology Wiley_Custom
Family Court Review 2044-8309 Vol.45, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1962-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Family Relations 1744-7941 Vol.59, Iss.1-6, Feb 2017 1966-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Geographical Research 2044-8295 Vol.22, Iss.1-4, Feb 2017 1904-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
History of Education Quarterly 1471-2857 Vol.32, Iss.1-12, Jan 2017 1991-2017 Mental Health Wiley_Custom
Human Resource Management Journal 2044-8325 Vol.79, Iss.1, Feb 2017 1975-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
International Migration Review 2161-0045 Vol.33, Iss.1-12, Jan 2017 1952-2017 Developmental Psychology Wiley_Custom
Journal of Consumer Affairs 2161-1920 Vol.95, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1964-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Journal of Educational Measurement 1745-8315 Vol.183, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 2001-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Journal of Labor & Society 1742-9552 Vol.43, Iss.1-6, Jan 2017 1996-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Journal of Legal Studies Education 1520-6459 Vol.93, Iss.300-303, Mar 2017 1983-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Journal of Marriage and Family 1468-0432 Vol.46, Iss.1-4, Spring 2017 1994-2017 Social Sciences Wiley_Custom
Journal of Neuropsychology 1520-6629 Vol.42, Iss.1-2, Mar-Jun 2017 1973-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 1468-5914 Vol.65, Iss.215-216, Mar/June 2014; Vol.65, Iss.217-218, Sep/Dec 2014 1971-2017 Human-Behavioural Science Wiley_Custom
Journal of School Health 2325-8578 Vol.76, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1996-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Journal of Supply Chain Management 1556-6676 Vol.33, Iss.1-6, Feb 2017 1921-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Law & Social Inquiry 1571-9979 Vol.23, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1985-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
Legal Studies 1099-0879 Vol.31, Iss.1-6, Jan 2017 1993-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Literacy 2044-8260 Vol.35, Iss.1-6, Jan/Feb 2017 1962-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Literature Compass (Electronic) 1468-2389 Vol.52, Iss.1-6, Jan/Feb 2017 1993-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Negotiation and Conflict Management Research 1099-1298 Vol.38, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1991-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
New Blackfriars 2167-4086 Vol.80, Iss.1-6, Jan 2017 1999-2017 Applied Psychology Wiley_Custom
New Zealand Geographer 1556-7532 Vol.50, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 2005-2017 Clinical Psychology Wiley_Custom
Parliamentary History 1099-0984 Vol.25, Iss.3-4, Spring-Summer 2016; Vol.26, Iss.1-2, Fall-Winter 2016 1987-2017 Personality Psychology Wiley_Custom
Personnel Psychology 1752-0118 Vol.55, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1984-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Philosophy Compass (Electronic) 1939-4225 Vol.2017, Iss.177-180, Spring 2017  1987-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
Politics & Policy 2161-1874 Vol.47, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1980-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Presidential Studies Quarterly 1468-5922 Vol.79, Iss.1-4, Spring 2017 1955-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society 1543-3390 Vol.22, Iss.1 (March 2017) 2004-2017 Medicine, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Anthropology Springer-Palgarve
Psychological Studies 0974-9861 Vol.62, Iss.1 (March 2017) 2009 - 2017 Psychology, General Psychology and Social Psychology Springer
Regulation & Governance 1541-1508 Vol.24, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1983-2017 Law-Commercial Law Wiley_Custom
Religious Studies Review 1467-839X Vol.55, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1998-2017 Social Psychology Wiley_Custom
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis 1573-6741 Vol.77, Iss.1 (April 2017) 1997 - 2017 Clinical Psychology, Psycho-Therapy, Psycho-Analysis Springer-Palgarve
The Developing Economies 2161-1939 Vol.58, Iss.1-12, Jan 2017 1961-2017 Psychology Wiley_Custom
The International Journal of Psychoanalysis 1530-8286 Vol.37, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1995-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
The Journal of World Intellectual Property 1534-875X Vol.69, Iss.1-4, Jan-Jul 2017; Vol.70, Iss.1-4, Aug-Dec 2017 1978-2017 Human Resource Management Wiley_Custom
