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Journals: F&A


Title E-ISSN Enumeration Availability Subject Vendor
American Journal of Political Science 1099-1174 Vol.56, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 1992-2017 Accounting Wiley_Custom
Canadian Journal of Economics 1468-036X Vol.41, Iss.1-6, Jan-Nov 2017 1995-2017 Financial Management Wiley_Custom
City & Community 1540-5850 Vol.54, Iss.1-12, Jan 2017 1981-2017 Public Finance Wiley_Custom
Decision Sciences 1099-1107 Vol.26, Iss.1-6, Jan/Feb 2017 1990-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education 1099-1123 Vol.20, Iss.1, Spring 2017 1997-2017 Accounting and Auditing Wiley_Custom
Dialog 1835-2561 Vol.11, Iss.1, Feb 2017 1991-2017 Accounting Wiley_Custom
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 1746-6539 Vol.14, Iss.1 (Feb 2017) 2004-2017 Business Management, Accounting, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance Springer-Palgarve
Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 1468-5957 Vol.68, Iss.1, Feb 2017 1974-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Journal of Asset Management 1479-179X Vol.18, Iss.1 (Jan 2017) 2000-2017 Finance, Financial Services, Risk Management Springer-Palgarve
Journal of Banking Regulation 1750-2071 Vol. 18, Iss.1 (Jan 2017) 2001-2017 Banking, Finance, Financial Law Springer-Palgarve
Journal of Chinese Philosophy 1468-0408 Vol.45, Iss.3, Mar 2017; Vol.46, Iss.1, Sep 2017 1985-2017 Financial Management Wiley_Custom
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 1479-1846 Vol.22, Iss.1 (March 2017) 2001-2017 Finance, Financial Services, Marketing Springer-Palgarve
Journal of Risk and Insurance 1949-3185 Vol.16, Iss.1, Apr 2017 2009-2017 Financial Management Wiley_Custom
Journal of Small Business Management 755-053X Vol.55, Iss.1-4, Jan 2017 2005-2017 Financial Management Wiley_Custom
Journal of Social Issues 1541-8286 Vol.42, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 2011-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Journal of Supreme Court History 1468-2443 Vol.21, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 2000-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Law & Society Review 1468-0416 Vol.56, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1997-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 1467-646X Vol.36, Iss.3-4, 2017; Vol.37, Iss.1-2, 2017 1989-2017 Financial Management Wiley_Custom
Modern Language Journal 1467-9698 Vol.115, Iss.1, Mar 2017 2010-2017 Financial Management Wiley_Custom
Monographs of the Society for Research In Child 1475-5890 Vol.65, Iss.1, Feb 2017 1979-2017 Economics Wiley_Custom
New Perspectives Quarterly 1911-3846 Vol.13, Iss.10-12, Jan-Mar 2017; Vol.14, Iss 1-9, Apr-Dec 2017 1984-2017 Accounting Wiley_Custom
Public Administration Review 1540-6288 Vol.55, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 1969-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Public Budgeting and Finance 1467-9965 Vol.51, Iss.1, Jan 2017 1991-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Real Estate Economics 1467-6281 Vol.31, Iss.1-6, Feb 2017 1965-2017 Accounting Wiley_Custom
Review of Accounting Studies 1573-7136 Vol.22, Iss.1 (March 2017) 1996 - 2017 Accounting, Corporate Finance, Public Finance Springer
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 1573-7179 Vol.48, Iss.1 (Jan 2017) 1991 - 2017 Corporate Finance, Accounting and Auditing, Econometrics, Operation Research Springer
Risk Management 1477-657X Vol.19, Iss.1 (Feb 2017) 1999-2017 Finance, Risk Management Springer-Palgarve
Risk Management and Insurance Review 2325-8624 Vol.38, Iss.1, Jan 2017 1995-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
Social Science Quarterly 1097-0053 Vol.45, Iss.1-8, Jan 2017 1989-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
The Financial Review 1539-6975 Vol.45, Iss.1-4, Mar 2017 2002-2017 Finance-insurance Wiley_Custom
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 1468-0440 Vol.42, Iss.1 (Jan 2017) 1997-2017 Finance, Insurance, Risk Management Springer-Palgarve
The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 1554-9658 Vol.42, Iss.1 (March 2017) 1997 - 2017 Finance, Financial Service, Insurance, Risk Management Springer-Palgarve
The Journal of Finance 1467-629X Vol.55, Iss.1, Mar 2017 1979-2017 Accounting Wiley_Custom
The Journal of Popular Culture 2041-6156 Vol.87, Iss.1-6, Jan/Feb 2017 2008-2017 Finance Wiley_Custom
The Journal of Product Innovation Management 1911-3838 Vol.28, Iss.1-4, Winter 2017 2002-2017 Accounting Wiley_Custom
