Behavioral Public Finance by M. Mustafa Erdogdu (Editor); Larissa-Margareta Batrancea (Editor); Savas Cevik (Editor)ISBN: 9780815364306
Publication Date: 2018-07-07
Print Book Price : £120
Recent developments in economics have expanded the area toward analyzing the impact of behavioral motives, social context and political governance on economic outcomes and individual decisions. While social economics introduces topics like social capital, social norms, identities, cooperation, collective action, the analysis of individual benefit function to the field of economics, behavioral economics pushes the boundaries of rationality assumption by introducing cognitive biases to decision-making. Therefore, political and social contexts as well as individual behavior are important determinants not only of individuals' life-changing decisions but also of nations' economic performance. This book combines conventional approaches toward public finance with new developments in economics such as political governance, social and individual aspects of economic behavior. It tackles political, social and behavioral aspects of public finance and fiscal exchange. It examines taxation, government expenditures and public policymaking from the perspective of the political, social and behavioral contexts generating them. Namely, it scrutinizes the relationship between political institutions, governance types and public finance; it investigates the impact of social context, social capital and societal cooperation on public finance; it studies behavioral biases of individual fiscal preferences. The book is directed toward creating an interaction among scholars from different subfields of economics and other related social sciences. Thus, it will be of interest to scholars, policymakers, tax professionals, university students, and the general public, since the existing literature on the application of behavioral economics to public finance are quite scarce.