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Guide on Avoiding Plagiarism


This guide will provide you with information on what plagiarism is, how to avoid it, and some resources to explore on the topics that are relevant to you. 

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What is Plagiarism?

plagiarism, noun

the process or practice of using another person's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own.

Source:  Cambridge dictionary

Examples of Plagiarism

When you do not cite the source in your work, the following actions may constitute plagiarism:

  • Any form of copying from websites, journals, books, articles
  • Copying someone else's work.
  • Any form of "copying & pasting" without citing.
  • Rewording (paraphrasing) a source, or someone else's work, without citing it.
  • Inadequate quotation marks around a direct quote.
  • Concocting citations or providing incorrect references.
  • Buying a work online and turning it in as your own.
  • Using or cropping a photo, image, or artwork from the internet without attributing the source.

Please note that anything that is available on the Internet is not public domain or common knowledge. Books, articles, images, blogs, photographs, etc may be governed by copyright. Please visit the Creative Commons web page to know more about the terms of use.

 About Creative Commons Licenses Creative Commons Search

Tips to get organized in your research

  • Please keep print copies of the resources that you may retrieve while searching on the Internet or any other resource. You can also organize the electronic copies in the reference manager or any other tool. 
  • While taking notes from the sources you have gathered, ensure that you keep a complete list of bibliographic details that describe the resource. For electronic content, you may have to keep URLs, page numbers as these may be required when you cite the source.  
  • Please do not wait until the last minute or send us the topic seeking assistance in locating relevant resources. 

Turnitin: Plagiarism Detection Service

IIMB subscribed to Turnitin plagiarism detection software and all your papers are scanned for originality. Please contact IT helpdesk for more information on this software

Help from our Library

Useful Tools It is a grammar-checking technological tool that reviews and improves text by correcting grammar, spelling, word choice and style errors with accuracy. It also detects plagiarism by checking texts against over 8 million web pages. Click here for handout.

APA citation guide: APA Style Guide to Electronic Resources 6th edition is available in PDF format. Please contact the librarian for more information.

Why Give Attribution?

As you will be using several resources in your project or paper, you are expected to give attribution for many reasons such as:

  • To express your perspective on published research by experts in that field.
  • Giving attribution also is about acknowledging the contributions which might have helped you to shape your research topic and how your perspective either aligns or differs with the opinion of the experts. 
  • The citation provided by you helps to locate those sources for evaluation of your project.
  • It is also about being ethical and honest in your academic work.
  • It fosters original thinking and writing.

Common Knowledge

Attribution is not required when it is known as common knowledge in that domain and for your own opinion and ideas. However, ideas and interpretations cannot be construed as common knowledge. In case of any doubt, whether a fact or an idea is common knowledge in your discipline, it is always recommended that you cite the source.

Some examples:

  • Paris is capital of France
  • Molecular structure of carbon dioxide is CO2