Steps: Please click on ‘Company’ from top >> Type Company name in search box and select from listed results >> click on ‘General’ from left panel and select the parameters to download the data as per your requirement
Steps: Client log-in to EMIS >> Type Company name in search box >> search >> click on company from listed results >> choose the parameters to download the data as per your requirement.
Steps: Type Company name in search box >> search >> click on company from listed results >> choose the parameters to download the data as per your requirement from left side.
Steps: log-in with your registered credentials >> select “All Companies >> Choose the parameters as per your requirement with continuing next steps >> click on save specification and extract data >> download your file. (Please click here for data extraction)
Steps:1 Please download ProwessIQ setup .exe file (latest version) from the website – and install it. Once installed, it can be accessed from anywhere within the IP range of the institute, using username and password.
Step:2 log-in with your registered credentials >> Select Companies and sets >> select parameters as per your requirement and click on “add to current OSC” to download file. Please click here for data extraction
Refinitiv Eikon
Please reach out to for getting credentials. You need to either install the app or access via web.
Steps: Type Company name in search box >> Click on Overview & choose the parameters to download the data as per your requirement.
Steps: Please go to Companies tab >> Type Company name in search box >> search >> choose the parameters to download the data as per your requirement.
Steps: Please go to Companies/Markets tab >> Choose Company name & type company name in search box >> Choose company from listed results >> download the data as per your requirement.
Steps: Please go to Research tab >> Click on “Set Active Company” >> select the parameters to download the data as per your requirement.
Available in “Bloomberg Anywhere.” Please write to Aishwarya Krishnan to get access to Bloomberg. Type EE and press GO for descriptions Equity information of Company.