Pivot includes a
scholar’s information, funding information. It focuses on Research Development Professionals, Research Administrators, and individual faculty members the edge by bringing together the right research opportunities, funding, and people quickly and easily. It provides global and local connections that strengthen research by exploring new avenues for funding and collaboration for faculty, staff researchers, and graduate students.
It includes ALL of the Papers Invited functionality; it is a global database of more than 20,000 active opportunities across more than 11,000 sponsors. Pivot also includes other types of funding including Research, Fellowships, Travel Grants, Dissertation, and more and Sponsors that include non-US government, Institutions, Foundations, Commercial and Corporate entities. It updated daily, with this tool, researchers, faculty, and research administrators gain a competitive edge when identifying funding opportunities. With Pivot, connecting the right opportunities with the right people is routine.
Pivot Tool Features:
- Provides access to the most comprehensive global source of funding opportunities—totalling billions of dollars and growing
- Identifies researcher expertise from within or outside of your organization from millions of profiles from leading research organizations worldwide (more than 3.6 million researcher profiles)
- Fosters collaboration by cultivating essential partnerships and alliances
- Enhances communication, monitoring, and tracking amongst individual faculty, teams, or researchers and the Research Development office
- Allows the focus to be on winning the necessary awards and grants
- Builds strong network connections for future opportunities
- Allow you to include your institution’s internal funding within Pivot
- Help your institution gain more attention with the Pivot Profiles
Pivot Integrations:
ORCID: With an ORCID Integration, researchers’ publications are synchronized to ensure the most accurate automation matching with Funding Opportunities.
Papers Invited® database: a comprehensive collection of calls for papers issued by professional bodies, journal editors, and other conference organizers in all academic disciplines.
InfoReady Review: The Pivot and InfoReady Review integration help you by creating a seamless workflow from funding opportunity discovery to candidate selection.
PIVOT™ Gallery: PIVOT™ Gallery provides institutions a customized view of their institution’s expertise. This can deepen the institution’s exposure to Tech Transfer opportunities, as well as other visibility for experts.
Price : $5100 (w/o GST)