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How to Export Time Series Data from Database: Tradexdx

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Exporting data from Tradexdx


Access Outside Campus:

Steps: Go to Library Website→Click on “T” from from  Electronic Databases  A to Z→Click on Tradedx →log-in with your remote access credential to access the same.

There are six steps to extract data from the Tradedx database:

  • Select a source to extract data from the three sets of classification - Principal Commodities (PC) or Indian Trade Classification (ITC) or World Trade (WT).
  • Select the country/countries for which data for exports or imports is being sought.
  • Select the country/countries of destination for exports or source country/countries for imports.
  • Select the commodity/commodities for which the data needs to be extracted.
  • Select output preferences such as frequency, currency, period for which data is required, date format and extra description of data being extracted.
  • Execute the extraction and save specifications used for the data extraction for possible future use.

Ex: How to export ITC data from 2013 to 2018.


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