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PGP Library Orientation


Note: Before submitting Article request please check the article in  Journal Finder, Single SearchJ-Gate. Steps are followed

How to search for article from Electronic Journals

1.  Journal Finder

  • Lists all journals subscribed by IIMB and Open Source Journals
  • The coverage of every journal is mentioned
    • Abstract level
    • Full text
    • Source (Ex. Business Source Complete, ABI Inform, etc.)

 Please check Journal Finder to identify the Journal, from which you are searching for an article. Click here to know how to use Journal Finder






2.  Find the Wizard in library Page  →  Click on Single Search from the Wizard given below. You can search IIMB subscribed Journal Articles and Library Catalogue.

This is useful to locate articles from IIMB subscribed journals and open source.

You can also filter your search from the left side of the frame to restrict it to the type of content. Such as

  • Publication Date
  • Books, ebooks Magazines, Peer reviewed articles, etc
  • You can narrow down to a specific subject.

 If the desired article is not found in the single search platform, please use the following options.

Option 1.      J-Gate  

J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature that provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online offered by 13,269 Publishers. It presently has a massive database of journal literature, indexed from 45,192 e-journals with links to full text at publisher sites. 

Where to find J-Gate (ILL Request can be place)

1)  → Online Database A - Z → E Series →J-Gate (Sponsored by e-Shodh Sindhu)

Option 2.    If not available in J-Gate
You can request through Article Request

Documents which are not available in the library can be requested by filling the form. Please note that all such requests are to be used for individual and private study only

Use Form for Inter Library Loan

Fill the necessary fields and submit your request 


Circulation Policies

Students Group

Group Books Limit Duration Renewal Limit Fine Amount Overdue Notices Recall Notices Request/Hold
PGP 6 15 days 3 times Re 1/- per day Immediately after due date When there is a demand 7 days
EPGP 6 15 days 3 times Re 1/- per day Immediately after due date When there is a demand 7 days
PGPEM 6 15 days 3 times Re 1/- per day Immediately after due date When there is a demand 7 days
PGPPM 6 15 days 3 times Re 1/- per day Immediately after due date When there is a demand 7 days
PGSEM 6 15 days 3 times Re 1/- per day Immediately after due date When there is a demand 7 days
2 15 days 3 times Re 1/- per day Immediately after due date When there is a demand 7 days

Privileges and Responsibilities:



  1. Library ticket is not transferable.

  2. The borrower is fully responsible for the books borrowed on his ID card.


  3. Absence and illness are not an acceptable excuse for exemption from paying an overdue charge. In calculating the overdue charge, only Institute holidays are left out of the reckoning. If the due date falls on an Institute holiday, the book may be returned on the next working day without any overdue charges.


  4. The Librarian may recall a book at any time before its due date. He may increase the overdue charge for failure to return a book when it is due or recalled.


  5. The Library will usually send reminders to the faculty and to research scholars for the book due, but non-receipt of reminders is no reason for returning books late.


  6. If students do not renew or return the books issued against their name within a week of its due date, their borrowing facility may be withdrawn for a fortnight.


  7. If the Librarian considers that a borrower has not returned the books within a reasonable time of its due date as indicated in the recall notice, or in the book card, as the case may be, the borrower is liable to pay the cost of the book plus the prescribed overdue charge.


  8. If a book belonging to a set is lost, the borrower will be charged for replacing the entire set.


  9. In case students lose the book/s issued to them they should report it immediately in writing to the librarian to avoid accumulation of fine. They will be allowed a grace period of one week to confirm the loss in writing, to initiate the process of recovering the cost of the book/s. In case they produce the book/s after the grace period, they will have to pay the prescribed fine. The library service will also stand terminated until they settle their arrears - whether for the loss or as a fine.


  10. Textbooks borrowed for internal reference should be promptly returned. Non - return of textbooks, during the examination period, will be reported to the Chairperson, PGP/FPM, or to the next higher authority for necessary action. Apart from this, the student has to pay the fine fixed by the concerned authorities at that time.


  11. Members ID card is Bar-coded. If ID cards get mutilated, for whatever reason, it has to be reported at the issue counter, where arrangement will be made for a new one. Loss of ID card should be reported in writing to the Librarian immediately. Members are responsible for any loss to the library due to the misuse of their ID card. All the users are requested to show their ID card/permit card/Cash receipt at the security desk.


  12. While returning books to the library, members should ensure that their books are duly discharged.


  13. Books and other publications are issued from the issue counter between 9.15 AM to 10.00 p.m. only.


  14. Books are normally issued for a fortnight to students and other categories of readers, one-month to FPM students & for 6 months to faculty.


  15. One time renewal of books is allowed by e-mail. For subsequent renewal, books are to be presented physically, request for renewal will be considered if there is no reservation for that book.


  16. Books can be recalled in case of an urgent demand for the same.


  17. Members should keep the library informed of any change of address during the period of their membership.


  18. The Librarian has the power to cancel the tickets and refuse admission to anyone who violates the rules & regulations of the library or indulges in any other type of misconduct.


  19. Member should return all publications borrowed from the library before proceeding on any kind of long leave.


  20. Members should not sub-lend the books borrowed from the library.



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