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IIMB Library Newsletter March // April 2018: Home

Databases Subscribed/Renewed

New Databases Added

IMF E- Library

IMF eLibrary covers all statistical databases from International Monetary Fund. It provides 16000+ publications and statistical databases and also includes information and perspective on macroeconomics, globalization, development, trade and aid, technical assistance, demographics, emerging markets, policy advice, poverty reduction etc.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based Multiuser.

Lexis Nexis Total Patent One

Lexis Nexis Total Patent One covers 90 million full-text patent document from more than 70 sources including patent offices and vendors (for ex: United States Patent and Trademark Office, European from European Patent Office, PCT from World Intellectual Property Organization) it includes overall 107 countries, in which full text is available from 32 authorities.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : Single User.

Databases Renewed

Bloomberg Professional Service

Bloomberg has data on more than 5 million bonds, equities, commodities, currencies & funds. It covers most every publicly traded company in the world and has profiles on more than a million people. Navigation in Bloomberg is different from most other databases you use. Bloomberg is a decentralized command driven system. The commands are represented by codes..

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : Available only in Library Data Center.

Thomson - SDC - Global New Issues

Data on Global New Issues (IPO).

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : Available only in Library Data Center.

Thomson - SDC - Joint Venture

Information and data on Joint Ventures..

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : Available only in Library Data Center.

Thomson - SDC - Mergers & Acquisitions

Provides M&A and corporate transactions data and is powered by the SDC Platinum databases of content. Contains approximately 700,000 transactions globally including mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and more dating back to the 1970s. It also has equity transactions, bond deals, syndicated loans, finance projects, corporate governance, and much more..

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : Available only in Library Data Center.

Thomson - EIKON

Database provides financial and economic information on equities, bonds, market indices, exchange rates, interest rates, derivatives and analysts’ reports from investment banks.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : Contact to for the log-in credential.


The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as Sloan Management Review, the Economist, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Apart from the above, its international coverage includes. 1) Economist Intelligence Unit country data, country finance and forecast reports, viewswire 2) Oxford country provides, country forecast and economic forecast. 3) Industry reports from Business Monitor Online and First search.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Ebsco-Business Source Complete

This databases has Full text for thousands of journals and other sources. Covers business, economics, management, accounting, etc. It also includes Harvard Business review and Harvard Law review without any embargo. Business Source Complete can also be used to find company profiles, country reports ( Datamonitor), Industry profiles, Magazine articles, SWOT analyses, Trade Publication articles and business news analysis .

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).


CAPITALINE is corporate database of Indian companies which contains extensive data on Company such as Bio-data, Collaborators, Expansion Plans, Shareholding Patterns, 10-year Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, Schedules & Notes to Account, Fund Flows, Financial Ratios (in all 650 finance fields per company which cover almost 98% of any annual report). It also covers full text of Director's Reports, Auditor's Report, and extensive news clippings of companies.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Crisil INFAC

CRISIL Research covers a Detailed Industry Report on 48 industries and services to track the performance and outlook of industries by giving access to data, research and analysis. It provides access to data, research and analysis to track the performance and outlook of industries. It provides access to EcoView, a monthly document published by CRISIL, provides a comprehensive analysis of the Indian macro-economy. It examines trends in key variables and provides rigorous forecasts based on the fundamental economic analysis. It focuses on linking macro trends and issues to micro variables like company sales, profits, and borrowing costs.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).


Insight provides information on 8000 listed and unlisted companies. Information on financial disclosures, products, management corporate governance, market performance, operations and analysis. It also provides single window access to 35000 annual reports and prospectus of companies dating back to 1995 It also provides Equity markets: NSE / BSE Commodities: NCDEX / MCX / National Spot Currency: MCX-SX / NSE Debt: NSE Exchange announcements Live market data Latest and historical NAVs Portfolio composition, Portfolio allocation, Performance statistics , Compare funds Dividends.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

ProQuest-Dissertation and Theses

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database is the most comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses. Covers more than 2.3 million dissertations and theses from all around the world.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Epigeum Online Course: Avoiding Plagiarism

Avoiding Plagiarism' is online course and software solution on how to avoid plagiarism by correctly using citations & references and best practice in paraphrasing. This course covers types of plagiarism, Importance of citation and references, referencing systems, referencing tools, strategies of avoiding plagiarism, various news articles in plagiarism and More.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser) One time registration with IIMB email.

EPWRF India time series

Data services from Economic and Political Weekly Research Foundation includes long-term data series online in about thirteen modules covering a wide range of macro-economic and financial sector variables in a manner convenient for research and analytical work. It also includes economic and market reviews, financial market review, money market review, theme articles and papers on economic/financial market indicators.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Henry Stewart Talks

HS talks provides video lectures & case studies in discipline of the business & management collection. It contains more than 900 animated, audio-visual lectures/case studies with additional material releases each month. The contents comprising the collection are streamed. Hand-outs of slides may be downloaded. Access links may be embedded in course packs, reading lists, virtual learning systems. It includes subjects like Finance, Accounting and Economics, Global Business Management, Management, Leadership & Organisation, Marketing & Sales, Strategy and Technology & Operations.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

IMaCS Industrial Reports

IMaCS reports provide detailed industry analysis/comments on an annual basis for most of the major industries that include Steel, automotive components, Textiles, Hydroelectric power, gems and Jewellery, petrochemicals, commodities, metals, aluminium, Power, Iron Ore, Tobacco, Fibres, zinc, edible oils, tyres, tea, hotels, sugar, road and Highways etc.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Infraline Energy Sector

Infraline Energy knowledge base provides information on demand, supply, generation and transmission of power, nuclear, thermal and hydro. It also gives information on ongoing energy projects and reforms.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

OECD iLibrary

Source OECD i-library offers online access to all OECD books, reports, annuals, working papers, loose-leaf binders, periodicals, and databases.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Passport Euromonitor

This resource from Euromonitor provides access to market research for consumer industries, country profiles for over eighty countries and three million economic, demographic and marketing statistics from around the world.
Economies – Economic Trends in 210 countries and 1,150 cities worldwide. Consumer Lifestyles – across 85 markets, on consumer behavior, preferences and attitudes purchase motivation. Consumers and demographic trends in 210 countries and 1,150 cities – analysis of socio-economic indicators, purchasing behaviour and opinions etc.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

CMIE - Prowessdx database

Prowessdx database is a web based databases accessible without any installation of client application. It covers data for about 35,000 Indian companies, which includes listed companies, unlisted public companies and private companies of all sizes and ownership groups. It contains time-series data since 1990. For updated information, please prefer Prowess.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser) (Register with IIMB webmail).

SAGE Videos-Business and Management Collection

Sage video covers 454 videos and over 143 hours are available in this extensive and diverse collection. It includes in-depth interviews with experts from across the globe on topics as varied as innovation management, corporate social responsibility, and social media marketing. Sage videos provide videos in the discipline of “Business & Management”. It covers subjects like General Business & Management, Accounting, Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Information & Knowledge Management, International Business & Management, Leadership, Marketing, Operations Management, Organization Studies, and Research Methods for Business & Management, Strategic Management, and Other Management Specialties.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Sage Research Methods Online (SRMO)

SAGE RESEARCH METHODS ONLINE resource created to help researchers, faculty and students with their research projects and links over 175,000 pages of SAGE’s renowned books, journal and reference content.

Browser : IE, Chrome,Mozilla & Safari. Access : IP-Based (multiuser).

Faculty Publications

New Books  


Title: Trucking business management : cases and concepts

Authors: Debjit Roy, G. Raghuram, Rekha Jain, Sanjeev Tripathi, Kirti Sharda

Publisher : McGraw Hill Education

Reserve for Reading :



Title: Role of Search for Domain Knowledge and Architectural Knowledge in Alliance Partner Selection

Authors: Sai Yayavaram, Manish K. Srivastava and MB Sarkar

Journal : Strategic Management Journal

Read here :


Title: The spillover effects of affirmative action on competitiveness and unethical behavior

Authors: Ritwik Banerjeea,, Nabanita Datta Gupta, Marie Claire Villeval

Journal : European Economic Review

Read here :

Journals Subscribed/Renewed

Indian Journals

Indian Infrastructure (Available from 2016 onwards)

The magazine can be viewed on PCs, tablets and smart phones. You can download these publications in an app on your smartphone or tablet for offline access as well.

Publisher: India Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd.,.

Frequency: Monthly.

Subject : Infrastructure.

Access : Single user ( For Credentials please write mail to

Magazine: Down to Earth (Available from 1996 onwards )

The magazine can be viewed on PCs, tablets and smart phones. You can download these publications in an app on your smartphone or tablet for offline access as well.

Publisher: Centre for Science and Environment.

Frequency: Fortnightly.

Subject : Politics of development, Environment, and Health.

Access : Multiple users ( For Credentials please write mail to


Journals Subscribed/Renewed

International Journals New Subscriptions

Annual Reviews (43 titles)

Annual Reviews 43 Journal titles are mainly focused on disciplines, Biomedical, Life, Physical, and Social Sciences .Archival access is provided up to 10 years back issues.

Annual Review of Financial Economics

Publisher: Annual Reviews. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Annual Review of Resource Economics

Publisher: Annual Reviews. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Annual Review of Economics

Publisher: Annual Reviews. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

CUP-HSS Package (27 titles+44 titles as complimentary access under Economics, Business, Politics & International Relations )

Cambridge University Press includes 27titles under Humanities and social Science collection along with one year complimantary access to 44 titles under Economics, Politics, Business and International Relations.

Economic Development & Cultural Change

Publisher: University of Chicago Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Institute for Studies in Industrial Development Database (ISID)

It provides access to Indexes of 125 Indian Social Science journals and major newspaper articles, editorials and news features.

Journal of labour Economics

Publisher: University of Chicago Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Oxford University Press (262 Titles)

OUP collections cover Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law, and include some of the most authoritative journals in their fields. 262 Journal articles of Oxford University Press journals are available with back files since 1996.

Project MUSE (600+ Titles)

Project Muse Premium Collection which provides access to more than 600 titles representing more than 120 publishers.

SIAM Journal on Optimization

It contains research articles on the  theory and practice of optimization. The areas addressed include linear  and quadratic programming, convex programming, nonlinear programming, complementarity problems, stochastic optimization, combinatorial optimization, integer programming, and convex, nonsmooth and variational analysis. 

SIAM Reviews

It consists of five sections, all containing articles of broad interest. Survey and Review features papers with a deliberately integrative and up-to-date perspective on a major topic in applied or computational mathematics or scientific computing. 

Web of Science Lease Access (20 years of back-file access)

Web of Science, provides access to the world's leading citation databases. It searches over 10,000 journals from over 45 different languages across the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities with back files to 1900. The access to Web of Science is available on perpetual access basis to members subscribing prior to 2016, and new members were provided access to 20 year back-files on lease basis.

International Journals Subscriptions Renewed

Elsevier-Science Direct (461 Title )

Publisher: Elsevier. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Emerald ESS Collection (310 Title )

Publisher: Emerald Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

IEEE (ASPP+POP) (183 Journal Titles+125 Conference Proceedings )

Publisher: IEEE XPLORE. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Informs Pubsuite (16 Titles )

Publisher: Informs. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Sage HSS-(PHSS2013) (513 Titles )

Publisher: Sage Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Springer-Palgrave Journals (1700+SJ and 45 PJ Titles)

Publisher: Springer Nature. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Taylor & Francis Online (403 Titles)

Publisher: Informa World UK. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Wiley (563 Titles)

Publisher: Wiley Blackwell. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

American Journal of Sociology

Publisher: University of Chicago Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Asian Case Research Journal

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Asian Economic Papers

Publisher: MIT Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Foreign Affairs

Publisher: Council for Foreign Relation. Format : Online. Access : Single User ID-Password.


Publisher: Financial Times. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Intelligent Data Analysis

Publisher: IOS Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Business intelligence and Data Mining

Publisher: Inderscience Online. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Complexity in leadership and Management

Publisher: Inderscience Online. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Data Mining and Bio Informatics

Publisher: Inderscience Online. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining

Publisher: IGI Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Innovation Management

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Technology Management

Publisher: Inderscience Online. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

International Journal of Uncertaininty, Fuzziness and Knowledge -Based System

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Customer Behaviour

Publisher: West Burn Publisher. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Intelligent Systems

Publisher: De-Gruyter. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Political Economy

Publisher: University of Chicago Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of World Trade

Publisher: Kluwer Law online. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

MIS Quarterly

Publisher: MISRC, University of Minnesota. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

MIS Quartetly Executive

Publisher: Indiana University. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Publisher: MIT Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

The Annals of Applied Probability

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

The Annals of Applied Statistics

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

The Annals of Probability

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

The Annals of Statisctics

Publisher: Institute of Mathematical Statistics. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

The Review of Economics and Statistics

Publisher: MIT Press. Format : Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Private Equity

Publisher: Institutional Investor Journals. Format : Print+Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Structured Finance

Publisher: Institutional Investor Journals. Format : Print+Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Time International

Publisher: Time Inc.. Format : Print+Online. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

National Geographic

Publisher: National Geographic Society. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.


Publisher: Croner-i. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

New Scientist

Publisher: Reed Business Inc.. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Accountancy

Publisher: AICPA. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Operation Research/Management Science

Publisher: Executive Institute Science. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy

Publisher: HJLPP Inc.. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

Journal of Risk Management in Financial Institution

Publisher: Henery Stewart Publication. Format : Print. Access : IP Based Concurrent Access.

New Resources to Library Collection

New Books to Library Collection

New E-Books to Library Collection

Webinars / Presentation

TRACXN Completed.

Date: 6th March, 2018 
Trainer: Tracxn Team
Location: IIMB Library Seminar Room

Ace Equity Analyser Completed.

Date: 12th March, 2018 
Trainer: Bharat Nayak
Location: IIMB Library Seminar Room

Heinonline Completed.

Date: 19th March, 2018 
Trainer: Kailash Balani
Location: IIMB Library Seminar Room

OAG (Airline Industries) Completed.

Date: 26th March, 2018 
Trainer: Michael
Location: IIMB Library Seminar Room

EIU Country Data and MIF Completed.

Date: 26th March, 2018 
Trainer: Poonam Chettiar
Location: IIMB Library Seminar Room