The Internet of Things by Samuel GreengardISBN: 9780262527736
Publication Date: 2015-03-20
The Internet of Things (IoT), still in its early stages, revolves around increased machine-to-machine communication. For example, welding machines can “tell” air-conditioning systems to operate and the air-conditioning systems "detect" where employees are so not all rooms are equally cooled. Through radio frequency identification devices, sensors, smartphones, and cloud computing, the IoT can potentially reduce manufacturing costs by creating efficiencies and reducing human contributions to the manufacturing process. Greengard, a business and technology writer, explores the history of IoT and describes its applications for retailing, transportation, construction, military, health, and other industries. Such applications have ethical and social repercussions, such as the loss of device security from hacking, safety concerns with computer malfunctions, privacy violations, and the dehumanization of operations. This pocket-size book is all text but easy reading, especially with the help of a glossary with 38 critical terms. A complementary book is Jeremy Rifkin’s The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism (CH, Nov 2014, 52-1529), which provides a related IoT discussion pertaining to other technologies, such as 3-D printing.