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International Conference on Future of Libraries 2023: 1


Never in the history of librarianship, the future of libraries is discussed as it is in the current era. Premature obituaries were nothing new in every period about the demise of libraries ever since technology permeated into our lives. Adding to this narrative, the literature, and discourses replete with ideas and frameworks on how libraries are repositioning or negotiating their space within institutions to reclaim the central position to attract funds to strengthen their infrastructure and resources. We are also battling a perception that when you get everything in the web and resources available online, who needs the libraries. This conference will address some of the fundamental issues pertaining to the redefinition of the role of libraries in the digital domain and will attempt to narrow down the narratives on how libraries are transforming themselves to be relevant to the journey of learning, evolving cultures, and improving human lives. As libraries are representatives of culture and advancement of society, this conference expanded to include all libraries including public library systems.


Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata: Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), a unique institution devoted to the research, teaching, and application of statistics, natural sciences and social sciences. Founded by Professor P.C. Mahalanobis in Kolkata on 17th December 1931, the institute gained the status of an Institution of National Importance by an act of the Indian Parliament in 1959. The Headquarters of ISI is located in the northern fringe of the metropolis of Kolkata. Additionally, there are four centers located in Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai and Tezpur. Research in Statistics and related disciplines is the primary activity of the Institute. Teaching activities are undertaken mainly in Kolkata, Delhi, and Bangalore. Offices of the Institute located in several other cities in India are primarily engaged in projects and consultancy in Statistical Quality Control and Operations Research'.                  Central Library of ISI is located at Kolkata with a network extending to other locations of the Institute. It occupies a unique place in the academic and research activities of the Institute. The Central Library moved to its present location in 1978, and it occupies 5 floors (60000sq.ft) of a ten-storied building at Kolkata. Over the years, the ISI Central Library has attained the distinction of being one of the richest libraries in India in the areas of mathematics, statistics, economics, theoretical computer science, and related areas. The Central Library at Kolkata has over 3.5 lakhs volumes of books and journals besides many official reports, reprints, maps, microfilms, and microfiches. It receives about one thousand scientific and technical journals annually. The library has developed a separate collection of books and journals in Mathematics and Statistics known as the Eastern Regional Centre of NBHM collection, out of the grants from the National Board of Higher Mathematics.


Indian Institute of Management Bangalore: The Indian Institute of Management Bangalore was established in 1973 and is a leading graduate school of management in Asia. Under the IIM Act of 2017, IIMB is an Institute of National Importance. IIMB has around 110 full-time faculty members, more than 1200 students across various degree/diploma-granting programmes and nearly 5000 annual Executive Education participants. IIMB’s vision is to be a global, renowned academic institution fostering excellence in management, innovation and entrepreneurship for business, government and society. Located in India’s high technology capital, IIMB is in close proximity to some of the leading corporate houses in the country, ranging from information technology to consumer product companies, giving the Institute an added advantage of integrating classroom knowledge with practical experience.             IIMB Library is housed in an independent building of 55000 Sq Ft. spread across four levels abutting the amphitheatre. Its collection comprises predominantly literature on Business, Management, and the allied areas. Resource development policies and services are mandated by Institute's teaching; research and learning objectives. All house-keeping operations are automated using State - of – the - art library management system. Its electronic collection comprises about 79 resources accessible 24 x 7 on and off campus to its faculty, research scholars and students. Computing facilities, access to resources in the Data centre and electronic content is for IIMB community only. For External memberships, Visitors are advised to obtain prior approval by email to avail membership facilities. Please send such requests to, please visit the External membership tab for more information.